
@d_r_e: it looks like it might be a quality movie, but so obviously derivative that it was pitched as this movie + that movie = our movie.

@Improbable: personally, i always thought it had at least a little to do with the (slight) visual similarity of the guy fawkes mask and trollface.

@MaxellDVD1: also, money is the new oxygen, apparently.

@yah5: i'm pretty sure AVG has a gaming mode, too, and options to turn off notifications.

@Mex: bollocks. there's nothing "anti" about the norton virus.

i hope they fixed some of they kludgy mechanics of the xbox version. for instance, being able to choose WHICH lands to tap would be nice. for the three color decks, it will frequently tap the wrong lands, based on a guess of what you want to play next. the game them becomes a strategic gamble of outwitting the AI

@MSUHitman: there are often "house rules" applied to mulligans. not everyone plays the game only at tournaments.

@notMordecai: or tried to produce an RRoD on purpose. in which case, he's even stupider.

@nikko1221: it's not specific to classical, per se. it's just more easily noticeable, due to the fact that classical music will frequently have large crescendos and quite a range and variety of volume from passage to passage. many turntables will slow down slightly when they hit a really loud attack. depending on

@nikko1221: yes, you can indeed measure it — with respect to platter speed accuracy — without using a tonearm or cartridge. this is how it is normally measured, and if your TT's manufacturers list their W+F, this is how they've measured it.

@KryptonZero: sure, by a hard drive or a flash chip is a memory device — a medium — same as if it were compact disc, which is also just simply storing digital information.

@Time Pilot AKA: this vinyl is NOT going to have superior sound.

@TheLostVikings: you'd be surprised the stuff even good cleanings don't get out.

@KryptonZero: hard drives and flash drives ARE media.

@nikko1221: wow (and flutter) in actual playing absolutely relates to needle mass, as well as torque, and the detail of what's specifically in the groove. it's a simple friction equation. more weight over more surface means more force to require to move it. high torque DD players will more or less blow through even

@Stevox: i love my records. i really, really do. i don't even buy CDs anymore, only vinyl. take that into consideration when i say the following:

@CrispyAardvark: you can fit about two songs on a side of a 7" at 33. for instance, see the 7" EP that came in stevie wonder's "songs in the key of life". since this thing is about an inch and an eighth smaller in radius, i'm gonna say it's got one track at 33.

i really don't see the big deal about all this.