
you know what fable 2 burned out? MY THUMBS. seriously. joint pain for weeks. ow.

@Chris Cuttriss: hate to be all critiquey after accusing someone else of being mean, but...

@arienh4: you can get a stop or two or three in extra latitude that way. but you can get a lot more by making THREE or MORE raw files. and perhaps individual variations of those.

@pale_blue_eyes: wow. you're not a nice person, are you? if you're going to mean, at least try to be funny so your comment has some redeeming value.

aww, you left out the "clown vomit" remark. that was the best part of that post!

@LegoAddict: hey, we'll take what we can get. at least microsoft is apparently finally STARTING to listen to us when we tell them that we'd like to be able to customize our interfaces.

@RawSteelUT: yeah, uh, don't get me started on the rock channels. if i hear one more nickelback song, i'm gonna perforate my eardrums. you know, i remember when they used to play good stuff. that's the sad part.

@Striderhayasa - Can we get some damn m/kb support?!: no, rap went down hill sometime after NWA. like, their second album. "straight outta compton" is actually pretty good. if you, you know, listen to it. and a lot of the NWA fallout, dre and ice cube, is also pretty good.

that computer should totally be running ubuntu human. or at least a windows-human visual style. the windows blue fetish is totally breaking up the vibe!

@CarltonJibo: indeed. the point of concert photography is to capture the ambiance and atmosphere of the event. sometimes, that means color. sometimes, it doesn't.

@ridgecity: try getting great photos from an iphone in a situation like the one pictured above.

@SJRNWT: how serious do you think you're going to get with it?

@dirtface: i liked it enough to play it twice, once on the xbox, and once on the xbox 360. by the second time, i'd figured the whole extortion thing out, and was able to extort almost every merchant for their maximum amount. ridiculous income FTW.

speaking as a male, and a person who's somewhat aware of the powers of photography and photoshop, the first thing i noticed in the jessica alba shots were the boobs. they enhanced those way, way more than they trimmed her waistline.

@The HZA.: don't forget charlie murphy!

@thugandascholar: i dunno if i'd say "destroyed." she's evidently still around. not enough people watch the boondocks.

am i the only person in the entire world that ENJOYED the first godfather game?

@Dorotea: i feel bad for her for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which is her name.

even more magic is the fact that she cooks, in full makeup and stylish clothes, and does so in exactly two takes.