
Damn, have to add that to my list of faves. Sorry, Ru.

It is! But this is the second funniest Lorde thing I've ever seen after the ruler one.

Policy is no gifts except for kids ... except my sister and sister-in-law are dragging their butts getting me gift lists for my nieces and nephews. So maybe nothing? #giftlogisticsmakemecranky

Just to clarify further, it does exist, but only in dark alleys committed by knife wielding men of color.

I love it when PC games have native support for Xbox controllers, it's truly great.

or abortion

I love that clip because people seem to love data when it comes with sports, but not when it comes to really important things, like climate change.

The Golden Globes opening should be interesting.

Ever since Lawrence Welk went off the air, it hasn't been the same.

This reminds me that we need way more lighthearted homoeroticism on tv nowadays.

No offense to Taylor, who looks nice in a Dynasty kind of way, but this picture (from the link) is why I can't buy bras from Vicki's anymore. They don't make any that don't come preloaded with knockers. "Increase 2 Cup Sizes Instantly!" How about just support the plenty-big-enough girls I already have in something

In my life, I've never heard anyone (other than Alicia Keys) who ruins a song more by over-singing it than Mariah Carey. I'll never understand her popularity.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. (Check for cameras first.)

OMG, that is so fucked up. It reminds me of the time I was riding the Paris metro to work early one morning and this dude sat next to me and asked me out for breakfast. I was like "umm no, it's 6am and I really just want to sit here in my pre-caffeinated grumpy haze." He got more and more agitated, started pacing

Bet so many people are signing up to be cops now.

It's ironic if unsurprising that Ramirez would be such a dick to Asians considering Chef's Table is a French-Japanese fusion restaurant.

I'm pretty sure they got Allison Williams because she was the only person available.

Good. Fuck him and his Bieber hair.

Writers have been telling stories about characters that are very different from them forever. Does this mean you think that every writer that doesn't only write about things they have personally lived through is arrogant?