Nothing positive can be said about a portrait video taker, the lowest class of subhuman to ever exist.
Nothing positive can be said about a portrait video taker, the lowest class of subhuman to ever exist.
A lot of it really isn't. They pump their bodies full of 'roids and drop ridiculous amounts of fat in unhealthy amounts of time, probably cutting years of their life. Reading what some of these male stars go through is just... gross. Really fucking gross.
Never skip leg day.
First and foremost my thoughts go out to the woman who was shot. As an advocate I can share that attempting to get legal paperwork in first is a classic perpetrator move. Perpetrators of DV, SA and stalking love to play the victim.
For the Prequels... look at stuff that was around about 20 or so years before the 1970's. Big, "sleek" for the time cars, Art Deco apparently "thrown up" on everything. That's much like what was shown in the Prequels.
Then the malaise of the late 1960's and 1970's arrived and... everything became dull, brown, boring...
Yeah, I remember getting to college and partway through the year realizing that this was what it was to feel happy.
I hated high school for the same reason. And reunions remind you that some people never leave high school.
They're ALL kinda sad.
A good friend of mine was engaged at our 5-year-reunion, but the relationship ended before the ten-year. At the ten-year, she was checking in and the class secretary, smugly married with three kids, before even saying hello, grabbed my friend's left hand, inspected its ringless condition and said, "Awwwww."
... did he do most of his repenting from prison? Because, y'know, once you actually sexually assault someone, it's not about stern talkings-to from mother.
Star Wars intro/title/etc. has always been incredibly cheap and tacky though.
My teenage cousin asked something about her, not knowing it was a secret. She didn't mean any harm, and the resulting tension + veiled comments about me being confused and/or manipulated (my mental health has been shaky at times, which they interpret to mean I'm fragile and childlike and should not be making…
Make the complaint to animal control, that he's pulling that crap means he's already had a complaint against him and the dog :-(
Last year, when my relatives found out I not only had a girlfriend, I have an Indian, Muslim girlfriend who makes more money than all of them.
you guys, i dont know where to post this, but i need to show it to people who aren't casual racists on facebook
someone remarked that it must take a lot of courage to wear the ugly sweaters I do
He does not do it for me. Not one bit. Maybe it's the dumb hair.
None of my teachers were that hot, and none taught LGBT history. Well played, Mr. Ferroni.