Not really, there are a few artists that are contemporary that still do woodblock printing and you can still learn it in schools, etc.
Not really, there are a few artists that are contemporary that still do woodblock printing and you can still learn it in schools, etc.
It introduced me to Philip Glass so I’m grateful and a very strong movie that sticks with you.
Looks greats, but it seems really out of place in what is supposed to be a faux medieval setting. It’s like they skipped ahead a few centuries.
Yup, the “Fabrics” at sewing stores are pretty much only good for crafting in the wearable sections. Sewing functional clothing for yourself is dead for the average person.
Her end credits song for the Huntsman was the best thing about that movie other than Charlize.
Yassssss. WERK!
Sorry to hear that, people can be quite dumb sometimes. Did he say he wouldn’t date you because he said his family would disapprove or did you know/or meet them already, because that sound pretty weak.
The one that came to mind was The Days of Anne Madrigal about an elderly transgender woman recounting her childhood in a small town and just hanging with her gay friends who want to give her a sendoff at Burning Man,etc. Not really genderqueer but a good book, Kate Mulgrew narrates the audiobook.
That’s what scares me about guys who are really built and lift weights and maybe even take steriods, and also happen to be scary abusive fucks. Size doesn’t necessarily matter but just their sheer physical size and strength makes them all the more dangerous.
I guess if I had to choose who’s human toilet I would be, I’d let Sandra Bullock shit in my mouth, she seems to eat pretty well.
Fruit can really irritate some people’s bowels from the sugars and insoluble fibers in it. I have IBS so I avoid fruit except for a few small bites every once in a while. Hopefully he’s eating vegetables! I weight lift too and I think eating is probably the hardest, you definitely get sick of eating things like…
Yup, it’s why doctors no longer recommend braces for spinal curvature because the muscles just atrophy.
Didn’t Bridget Jones/The Edge of Reason film have a scene here?
Why do people never mention the wedding singer when they talk about good Adam Sandler movies? Drives me nuts.
Yup, it’s sad. I work at a small shop where one of the bathrooms is right in the office space and one coworker and even my boss don’t wash their hands after peeing. There no shame about it from them.
Have you thought about going to the police? If the head of the church is not disclosing someone needs to. I don’t know what you could do since it would be hearsay but maybe his daughters or mother would like to pursue some type of legal action.
I haven’t been gas lighted per se, but I have been on the receiving end of low grade harassment from people I went to high school with for several years. At times I wonder if I’m just imagining it and obsess almost constantly some days about it and who’s behind it and you feel terrible. I ended up going to a therapist…
The funny thing is that their supposedly unique look was called the clone look in the seventies and eighties because they all looked alike, like among some gay men at the time.
It is surprising, I wash my hands after work too but a lot don’t I also don’t wear shoes around the house since you track all sorts of hidden nasties with that.