
I’m a guy and I wash my hands after peeing and pooping off course and after I pet my dog and before I prepare my meals. Honestly just make him do it, my dad is a handwasher too, it’s a cultural thing we need to reinforce so we can stop the no-handwashing bs so common even with all we know about germs.

Agree with Ruby, people have been flying remote control airplanes for decades.

I have a conservative coworker that mentions black rioting and I wanted to mention the same thing to him. White colonialists also tarred and feathered tax officials.

I thought the conjoined twins episode was great tv, definitely signalling a turnaround for the rest of the season hopefully so I’m excited to see it continuing.

If it helps, most commercial sewing patterns are absolute shit. So don’t feel bad if the directions are vague and the pattern seems to require too much pinning, holding on to pieces, etc as you sew. I made several shirts a few years back and the pattern was just no good but you do definitely improve.

I wonder how much we’d benefit students by introducing a system like in Germany and other countries where there are gymnasium schools, vocational track schools and schools for intermediate students. My issue with school was the negative and hostile social atmosphere many students fostered with gossip and bullying

Does anyone else remember Burlesque? Oh well, I liked it and Cher was in it who is like the best singer turned actress this century.

I think he means that a consultant at forty hours a week for fours is pretty much an employee for them only, since you don’t have time to do work for other places unless you want to work 60-80 hour weeks.

Who knows? They get pleasure out of it, etc, and I think they have a superiority complex. I made the mistake of not moving away after high school after years of abusive harassment(I’m a guy)and it’s better but still hasn’t stopped because people see you and want to spread their own hollowness and misery onto you.

Can we have another article about male circumcision? The comments are too boring on this one, definitely not a total shitshow.

Ummm hello! Tom Cruise, inventor of the Hoveround was pretty big too, what were you watching?

I loved the hell out of this show.... when I was thirteen.

I really like this song from her too, it’s called “no other way.”

I loved the bodyguard. I actually asked my mom about rewatching it.

Yup, I ended up having to see a psychologist because of the bullying I received in high school and after, it can really screw you up. I’d tell any kid today to tell there parents no matter what it is, I was so embarrassed by my harassment I didn’t tell my parents till I was 23 and I finally broke. If it’s so bad you

Some are sadists, that is true. Others have there own mental problems or also suffer abuse, etc or lack empathy.

Hopefully not too worried =), but the longer you wait the worse the complications can be since the jaw bone hardens in early adulthood and they become harder to extract afterwards. It sucks getting them all taken out but that is my recommendation and go to an oral surgeon if you can afford it. I was also out for a

You may very well be able to live with your wisdom teeth for the rest of your life or they might cause problems in a few years or decades, it's really a crap shoot. I had mine removed after one wisdom tooth actually broke a molar which I then had to fix with a root canal and expensive crown because the hairline

I get it, I have social anxiety due to long lasting harassment and bullying so I pretty much make an excuse every time to get out of doing stuff with old friends.

I work in a really small shop and I'm probably the least tardy and I still am ten or five minutes late most of the time. It's a lot more casual, at a larger company that probably wouldn't fly, we don't rely on each other so people come in when they come in.