
WTF? I thought this was a solid episode, I actually sat through the whole thing.

I thought it was pretty telling when molly said that you don't need therapy, that's what friends are for. I was surprised too considering her job, but I think that's Issa and the producers' point about differing cultural perspectives and really highlighting them.

Me too, I just finished Halt and Catch Fire about a week or so ago so interest in seeing her in something else definitely played a part in me watching San Junipero.

I read the book and no I don't think her appearance or race are explicitly mentioned.

True, but her style in Halt is very cool and grungy versus Jung Frau in black mirror.

The funny thing is she's in the show Halt and Catch Fire which is set in the eighties and is about the tech sector and computers so she's right at home in these set pieces. That probably what she's most well known for.

Honestly, this is the only episode of Black Mirror I wanted to watch and was glad I did. Cried by the last fifteen minutes. The rest of the anthology seems too dark for me so I'll stick to my science fiction books.

This was a "A" episode, quick, dramatic and I was fucking living the whole time.

No I can't, but my parents were a lot less protective of me so I thought it strange at the time. I can see some of the reasoning now .

I was a kid in the early 2000's and I had a friend who's parents were very protective of her, they would never have let her go around for hourse in the neighborhood with us.

Loved it, though my favorite part is the intro theme and credits. Loved Winona Ryder of course and David Harbour's rockin dad bod.

It's shortened to Alaska on the show, they don't use the full name.

There was a very famous 1960's murder of a bunch of nursing students by a pyscho killer in Chicago, it was referenced in Mad Men and American Horror Story. The killer was named Richard Speck.

Kate Mckinnon always delivers when she does her impressions on Weekend Update, a large part of what makes it stronger than the rest of the show.

You can still chew the scenery in a genre film, Alan Rickman proved that.

She had a rough spot in the early aughts during the star wars prequels, she said a lot of people didn't want to work with her after those films.

Yeah, I remember it vaguely, think I skipped through it.

I was super surprised the intro was reused like that. The effects where also clunky, HD sure didn't help them on that one, I wish they had grained the whole thing up. Also the crashed spaceship looked like a cheap syrofoam spray paint job with some air duct tubing from home depot.

Pretty much, though I didn't make it past Duchovny's departure. I guess since there was no alien invasion he decided to retconn the whole thing.

I watched it with my mom today and we laughed and really enjoyed it. Too much right wing bullshit, but otherwise had a lot of fun, actually showed some stuff. The cigarette to the trach-tube definitely got a good laugh.