Arabella Frankenstein

Outstanding work. Bravo.

Hey Beth.

Care to provide any peer-reviewed research supporting your claims? Oh, I forgot. Then entire pharma industry, every single academic, and every single doctor in the world are all in a huge conspiracy to deny you of your water molecules despite the incredible worldwide impact and fame that could be gained by publishing

Please, please, please tell me where I can collect these supposed Big Pharma paychecks I’ve been earning.

“Big Pharma payroll drivel”... Yeah, and these supplements are put out by mom & pop companies that barely scratch out a living...

Beth I think my comment came out wrong as I was not meaning to defend these products. We used these tablets on advice from other friends. They seemed to work at the time but now knowing they are a scam I was genuinely asking why they seemed to work (sugar it seems). I don’t think the magic wand analogy is the same as