

Saved the best for last!

I thought Glick was the top choice? Remember that time you could drive his car in a game with a Jalopnik sticker on it?

I too support Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus

Easy question imo

Literally dozens of people are now sad.

“Not everyone has to be as scared as you.”

Yep! That’s how pandemics work alright. I did something without getting sick or spreading the virus (how would you know) - so obviously everyone can!

I remember when Jalopnik used to enjoy and encourage car culture 

since the 718 Boxster is aimed more at people who pretend to care about driving dynamics.

Neutral: The less I think about the election, the more happier I feel and keep my sanity. 


Eh, there’s 7.5 billion people and a pandemic on.  A few tesla owners less isn’t a tragedy

This is the thing I never got with a lot of friends... Their garage is literally FULL of shit and boxes and they park their cars outside...

No room in the garage for a vehicle.

“What’s Something In Your Garage That Might Be A Relationship Red Flag?”

Correct headline: idling in traffic with your windows down in developing countries with minimal pollution controls increases your exposure to pollution (which may or may not be a meaningful increase that has health outcomes because we didn’t test that).