
That’s a big picture. But it works.

That’s a big picture. But it works.

Congratulations, you’re an idiot.

(Jezebel is confusing the actual issue at hand. In this case it’s what they want on the cake, not that they are gay. It’s not a wedding cake, it’s a cake supporting gay marriage. Huge difference.)

Someone’s on the rag today...

Yeah but who needs a players union?

Kramer was and is more crazy then anything else. Probably certifiable. Watch his comedians in cars getting coffee, it’s weird.

There is a steam sale on fall out 3, 50% off and 40% off the regular game and the goty edition, respectively. In case you need a fall out fix now instead of later...

There is a steam sale on fall out 3, 50% off and 40% off the regular game and the goty edition, respectively. In

We have lots of jobs... And education... And smart governance... Wisconsin only had a better football team.


It’s like if I beat you with a lead pipe, but the evidence is taken through questionable means. Yeah, I beat you with a lead pipe, but I’m not necessarily held to the crime.

Admittedly they need to work on stealth. I mean, yeah, they cheat, but damn are they dumb about it.

Best comment possible. Best.

They say with Crohn’s and IBS everything goes to shit in a hurry.

Hey! You’re right! Maybe if I stop believing I have Crohn’s disease I can stop injecting myself twice a month. Thanks uninformed internet commentator, you’ve saved me from the worst part of my life.

Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o. And on that farm he beat his wife. E-i-e-i-ow.

On max settings with a 4k TV and top notch video card you would be lucky to get 25-30 fps with this game. What’s your point?

H2-oh! Works perfectly for me, and at $2 for a six pack, it’s in a great price range.

Clash of clans is paying them to say that. Them and the show. Their target audience are susceptible to the like of the fighters.

“I’ve already got an opinion and I’m going to keep saying the same thing until you agree with that position. I don’t care what you are saying, this is what I think.” Jesus. It’s 2015. Could you imagine if we drilled the Bush administration about 9/11 like we are drilling Hillary?

I choose to believe the account of the women over the account of the man. Although I suppose I have both a working brain and a conscience.