So future employers, future girl friends, future children, and everyone around him knows he’s a fucking rapist.
So future employers, future girl friends, future children, and everyone around him knows he’s a fucking rapist.
Google Paul Nungesser on image search. Count how many of Emma there are. I have no idea what this guy looks like. He’s not an Asian women I presume? We need to get his face and rape out and up front instead of the victims.
The discount scam is the shit. I worked at Wendy’s and a guy did the same thing for years. He would do 10% discount on big orders paid with cash and pocket the difference. 10%!
Cool story bra
Hingle McKringleberry
Life in prison is cheaper then the process of capital punishment. Unless they threw him into general population. That would be the cheapest possible solution; dead in a day.
Dr. Dre.
So there is a Florida of Canada?
Jesus: “You just need to be kind and loving to ask mankind, give up your possessions as they get in the way of loving everyone, and believe in me. You get into heaven no problem that way.”
If only there was someway we could change the prison system. Some sort of .. Reforms? To bad we have no structure in place to do that.
Bought it yesterday, waiting to play it and super excited.
My motto is “I work enough, I play enough”. Both things are taxing. Now pizza and video games...
The combination of chemicals which makes them super addictive. Why you started is all you.
Your body will not go to waste though. That is important.
My balls just don’t get that sweaty. I mean, they get sweaty, but not “sit-like-I’m-doing-the-splits” sweaty. Maybe I’m just not a d bag. Maybe. No promises.
To late, they already are whores, at least if my high school years are too be taken into account (and most likely yours of you weren’t willfully ignorant).
Your premise is correct, it’s not the government’s responsibility to fund this program, however they will continue to fund medicare and medicaid and welfare. Doing a program like this directly saves money in those programs by over 500%. From a fiscal standpoint, not funding this is retarded.
I like my woman to have a little cushion for the pushin. Not like a lot, but about as much as I have. Edit: your final point is 100% correct.