
There is no correlation.

That’s stupid. He didn’t be suspended, they should have just let this die.

THAT’S WHAT 18 LOOKS LIKE NOW! Jesus, I thought she was 14!

Jameis Winston raped a girl. Gronk is just a bro. Make no mistake, Jameis Winston is a pile of shit. Should have been a Brown.

Lol. The goons who actually did the deflating are the best part.

You’re lucky. I’m dead inside. It’s a strange feeling.

He says morgue instead of more. More play on words then pun.

This is an outrage! She is hot and deserves the right to do whatever she wants! She is hot though, just saying.


I always wondered how I got Crohn’s disease. Public school lunches. Somehow not surprised.

Great piece, great read.

For his next trick...

You won me over. Where do I sign up to be a smug pretentious asshole?

Some days being a recluse definitely has its advantages. Correction: most days. Excuse me whilest I bury my head in the sand, read books, go biking, play games, and sleep.

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Happy snorting.” With that, Snuffleupagas sadly walked down Sesame Street for the last time.

I hope you’re trolling.

I’m good in bed. I just wanted to say that.

Cellphones. You have the internet, games, texting, phone calls, porn, social media, etc right at your finger tips. Sometimes I forget why I’m in the bathroom.

The hotel line by Macy’s? I mean, how could you say no to that?

She sounds apologetic and reasonable. Are we sure she works at fox news?