As the adage goes, if there’s grass on the field...
As the adage goes, if there’s grass on the field...
No one like you. Go away. /s
I’m no fan of bush but 1979 Madonna I would have said very very yes. Lost in that forest for days.
*Me, clicking that main photo about ten times*
Both people look bad in that conversation. He pretty much said to prepare a statement for your post shooting interview. Nothing says transparency like a thought out prepared statement days after something happens.
Now if we could only fire underperforming owners...
Upon taking three religious classes, two on Christianity, I discovered that yes, religion is bs. Worse off the doctrines admit it. I keep this information to myself because people are fucking crazy, but sometimes it gets noticed like when I didn't celebrate Easter and totally didn't say anything about it but everyone…
Fuckin bs. They wanted Duke to win. D=4, U=21, K=11, E=5, put that together and what do you get? 9.11.2__1. Wake up!
The article explains that in the current state of affairs with entertainers there is a better time and a worse time to do something horrendous, and that Ray Rice committed his offense at a worse time in his career. The overwhelming feeling of the article is that this is a ridiculous situation and we should be…
My favorite thing was when I figured out if you blow up a goose next to a teammate (who you just shot) you can kill them with no betrayal. It counts as killed by the guardians.
“Benzonatate: Side effects: drowsiness, dizziness, headache, stomach upset, threatening family members, constipation, suicidal threats, and stuffy nose may occur.”
Is it me or are the refs doing a shit job? And they show no contested replays. Fuck the NCAA.
“Jesus Anders, you’ve gone as Frankenstein the past four years, we get it.”
I say nigga all the time. I don’t say it towards someone of African descent, nor towards anyone in general. It’s a word. People get bent out of shape over something so trivial. Is it wrong for me to say it? Nah nigga, it ain't.
I wonder if he’s still using PED’s.
I love how they will continue to use her ideas but with a man in charge instead. That is funny. She wasn’t doing anything wrong, she was just being forceful and assertive about it.
You should feel embarrassed for being sexist and an idiot, walking in eggshells or not. That you can’t think logically about the substance of the product produced (the code) and instead focus in on the gender of the producer you are a moron. That’s the problem. As you “tactfully” said, her back to coding.
Clothing designers suck. It’s not cute too make everything stereotypical for girls, not new, not smart, just lazy. This is a great fun idea, however I hope they think of selling to a big brand like target or Wally world to reach the masses.