
I like people watching in bars. It’s a lot of fun. People watching friends is not as fun as eventually they ask you to stop staring at them.

Will buck buffalo wild wings be having it on in their establishment? Then for a quarter of the price and some free uhh... “Wings”, beer, and carrots I’ll be seeing this!

First part of the video. You're watching the second part.

Dumb question: is there just one coach k or have there been many? I swear that when I played bball our coach was a coach k, high school there were pictures on the wall of a coach k, and college bball there's at least one coach k. Is it just a bball tradition or something?

The real solution? Blernball.

At least he wasn't sorry for people being offended but was actually sorry and may learn from his mistakes. People are dumb, especially in large groups, but maybe this will be a win in the long run.

Honestly I've always wanted to try it and see if you can erode it away bit never had the guts to do it (it's pretty gross). However why they would leave it instead is just weird. Pipes are pipes.

Says a guy with the ingenuity to have "came in his pants" for a screenname. Tool bag.

Here you go:

Zayn: "I'm going in another direction."

Only for Xbox One? Check. Not going to buy because an Xbox One is an overpriced show pony? Check check check.

Two face: college years.

Bum bana bum bana bum ba ba na

The answer is! They can do whatever they want, however they want, and not effect the content of their stream. If you are watching for good gaming, watch the streams who know what they are doing regardless of titties. If you want a cute girl playing some game watch that. If you want porn go to pornhub. The fact that

the boa account needs to have direct deposit of more than $200 each month for like 3 months to get the cash. I assume the others have similar stipulations.

That hair is just... Not very... How should I put this...

The Knicks have moment in the sun, fly too close, get burned. Daedalus remains unscathed.

Porn, drug research, gun research, other random stuff you don't want on your search history... Incognito mode. There should just be a chunk for incognito.

These jokes just beat the laughter out of me.

Or he has to buy Adam Silver a Gold Apple Watch. It's a cross promo.