
I’m old enough to have played this when it was a new release, and it *was* an excellent game for the time. Not tehb3st3Var, but I always felt it deserved more way more recognition.

Not sure how you justify calling it a not very good adventure game when reception to it was generally positive when it was released, so it isn’t just nostalgia driving interest in the game. And even if it isn’t the best adventure game it’s hard to deny it’s one of the more unique. There have been adventure games with

I like how we need to point out Orochimaru is a war criminal but ignore the fact that Itachi is pretty much part of ninja Isis. 

You don’t have to hand it to Epic but they literally designed an advertising platform that is so addictive that it gets people(mostly children) to buy the IP they are being advertised!

IP is like coal for Fortnite, they need to keep feeding it in to keep it running. 

The big question is whether the original Team 7 content is coming back. I missed it!

so from the way Bungie has done their contracts previously my guess is it’s going to be something like this: Bungie has complete creative control and full control to manage the business. Sony has ownership and gets all the revenue from Bungie after business costs are paid (employee wages, etc.). While Sony has no

Counter point, don’t skip Arrival. There noting inherently wrong with the DLC, it introduces a dilemma that forces you to make a difficult decision between two awful outcomes (something that would invariably happen in this conflict), establishes why Sheppard is not in command of the Normandy at the beginning of ME3,

If you stop writing about these fucks, they’ll go away.

I can’t stand this ass, but that table is pretty cool. This is stuff that other random youtubers might do and I wouldn’t shit on them for it. There is more than enough reasons not to like Logan and his brother without this being part of the equation.

Except soon it won’t really make a difference, because many physical games these days are becoming licenses on a disc and basically useless without an internet connection to validate/patch.

I feel like it’s easy to guess it’s a licensing issue here.

microsoft needs to let other companies make drives, have some competition

You can also just put X optimized games into “cold storage” on an external drive, they just won’t run from it. Eventually I see them implementing data management where you can just have it automatically migrate a large game you haven’t played for a while to external USB storage and vice-versa when you want to play a

Quick point of clarification:

The only thing you *NEED* either the internal storage or Seagate expansion drive for is to *play* “X/S Optimized” games.

You can still use standard USB drives to play XBox One and earlier games, as well as store the above “X/S Optimized” games.

So, for example, if you’re done with playing

What do you mean? I was spending $800 a week as a kid all the time! Every time the ice cream truck rolled by, I would buy for the neighborhood. Every time I walked past the electronics section at Wal-Mart, I would grab a new TV, just in case I ran out of TVs at home. If ever there was a car that rolled past me on the

This Galactus design reminds me of his design in Ultimate Alliance 

So how does this crowd funding work? They raise enough to produce and the money each person pays goes towards the purchase price? If not, why is a $1.45 billion dollar company charging the fans for their operating costs?

just got my child tax credits HULLLL YUSSSSS

shouldn’t the reed richards figure be much much smaller?