
Yup, same here. Everytime I see a teen wearing an STP or Nirvana shirt, I know how my Dad must've felt when I was wearing Doors and Led Zep shirts.

I know it eats you up inside.

16GB of any type of flash storage for more than $8 should be a crime in this time. 64GB microSD are often around $30 nowadays. This is the main reason the only Sony product I use is the Playstation. Proprietary failure prone media, either functionally or on an industry-wide level, is a hallmark of the brand. Too bad,

16GB of any type of flash storage for more than $8 should be a crime in this time. 64GB microSD are often around $30

My mother-in-law shreds UPS & FedEx labels. She thinks the garbage man (recycle man?) is going to carry a hand scanner, correlate that with some QVC database, figure out what crap she just wasted my father-in-law's hard earned money on, and rob them of said crap.

You know how hard it was to find my car (2008 Mazda 3 s hatch) with a manual and a sunroof? Took me 2 months of pouring through classifieds, AutoTrader,, etc. Fortunately, the one I did find was in awesome shape, had the features I wanted, didn't have the ones I didn't want, and because the dealer couldn't

My credit union did the same thing. I got a sweet deal on my car and the GAP covered the MSRP value; almost $3K more. Credit Unions rock!

Supplemental: Have a mild accident (sports, driving, clumsy no-balance assclown, etc.). Physical Therapy is pretty well covered by insurances now, and the usually twice a week schedule of repairing, stretching / limbering, and strengthening is easy to upkeep once you've completed your sessions.

Bro, do you even hammer? I've seen rabid baboon with better carpentry skills. But you did Hummer most excellently, and in the end that's a better skillset.

"Slightly bruised testicles coated in cereal"

So I should be thankful that I've never had the gun I really want to drop for me?
While we're on the subject of Destiny weapons, do you have a list of weapons that are truly exotics (can't be bought from Xur, hard to get in a drop, etc.) like Gjallarhorn, Hard Light, Thunderlord, etc.?

Aka Buick Skyshart aka Pontiac God Damn aka Oldsmobile Ah-Hell-No.

Yup. It's like sex with a supermodel where the butt is on front, right below the bewbs. You get to watch it all roll with the donkeypunches.

Yup. If I needed a larger car, it would've been the 6. But I am a simple man, with affordable hooning needs, so I got a 3 hatch.

Just poking some fun. This just seems like a poor implementation all around. The voice command seems like the best option for X1, but the PS4 dedicated button is a much better method in terms of speed and non-interference.

You must die a lot or not play online shooters.

This is a good idea. Even a 27 can get 10% of the kills on a 30 Nightfall.

Jessica Simpson approves this analogy.

You could always add one of those tiny clip and chain things from old gear for easier removal. I use them on my survival keyring for the stuff I use frequently.

You could always add one of those tiny clip and chain things from old gear for easier removal. I use them on my

Yep. Consistent whiners hate consistent winners.

"End" is usually "Butt" if PornHub has taught us anything.