Dislike him? He's a murderer. Fuck him and fuck you, you piece of shit white judge.
Dislike him? He's a murderer. Fuck him and fuck you, you piece of shit white judge.
Damn these judges sure do love to stan for white criminals. “The public shouldn’t see what he’s done because it might make them dislike him.”
He himself is not a hatchback.
I want ONE
I have a hard time imagining that this wouldn’t be an exceptional solution for the fast majority of people - almost anywhere. While, yes, there are parts of North America where vast distances and long commutes make this less ideal - I struggle thinking about a typical day of driving in most cities (including North…
Solves arguably the biggest issue for people who don’t have driveways, most of whom live in dense areas where a short range EV is also most useful.
Battery swapping kiosks
I like the concept of being able to toss a battery pack on your standalone charger in situations where you can’t charge the car itself. Every night, grab the weakest pack, good to go a little further every morning.
I would buy the ever-living hell out of this car if it were made available.
For smaller cities and Europe, this seems like a good option. Especially since in cramped cities, finding charger installation points is more difficult.
Yup, nothing stopping the Dems except, you know, Mitch the Bitch and the filibuster. And if you think the GQP wouldn’t put a couple million people on the street and then try to hang that on Dems you’re adorable.
The Legislature says it’s the Executive’s problem. The Executive says it’s the Judicial’s problem. The Judicial says it’s the Legislature’s problem.
See, this is what I get for going off my memory of his avatar / t-shirts that were made. Now I’ll have to speculate that given it says he “rolled” it, the minimum is one and one-half full rotation since it’s on its side? Or is rolling it onto one side “rolling” it? I guess the Corvette has been Orlove’d, any way you…
I’m guessing he was trying to flip it.
What a sad sack of shit this woman is.
If I’m getting a 4-cylinder Supra... I’m getting a GR86. I still don’t get the small engine, aside from the BMW platform sharing. Yes, I know that the 90s Supra had a non-turbo option, but if you’re getting a Supra without the turbo V6, you’re doing it wrong.
Just stick your head out the window if you want a sunburn
Yep. Time to start shattering some glass jaws.
“but I’ll look because we have a lot of stuff that we stockpiled...”