I don’t give a fuck how white man Bob Woodward is, he knew Trump was lying, had that bitch on tape lying and held back on that intel until his book was out, the check had cleared and he was on his Award Tour.
I don’t give a fuck how white man Bob Woodward is, he knew Trump was lying, had that bitch on tape lying and held back on that intel until his book was out, the check had cleared and he was on his Award Tour.
I personally find that people not following the rules of driving is a bigger concern than the people speeding. If people were able to actually follow the rules, instead of going 5 under in the left lane while 7+ train behind them bumper to bumper because car #1 don’t want to break the speed limit, despite being in the…
Remember when Montana went to Reasonable and Prudent and had to go back from it because people went “oh you mean a speed that far outstrips my actual driving ability?”
When going to the gym and having a shapely ass is your only life skill you take photos of it. Brands give you money to drape said ass in their products. This is because Robocop was a warning we didn’t listen to.
Influencer, is a polite term for narcissist. Avoid them at all costs.
“If she didn’t know that everyone else knows the United States is a complete, incompetent mess at this pandemic, she wasn’t paying attention!”
I’d roll my window down and say, “Hey, I agree that cops shouldn’t be murdering civilians, but I need to get to work. Mind if I pass through?”
1) It was a red light for the driver
For being a Trial Lawyer, you’re pretty shitty at your job. Those questions basically answered themselves and didn’t help your case.
The average person isn’t dumb enough to get trapped in an angry group of protesters like that. There’s a very good chance the occupants were antagonizing the protesters too, which is equally dumb.
Best thing is not to intentionally “accidentlally” drive into the crowd you’re counter-protesting. Is that so complicated?
Watch the videos.
Well, for starters, I would turn around and find another way. It’s not like you’re just driving along, minding your own business, when a crowd of protesters magically appears out of nowhere and starts pounding on your windows.
They should only sell them to blues musicians.
Yeah, but just because it’s true doesn’t mean it’s quite the most inspirational campaign slogan, you know?
This is what I’d be doing if theaters were open here and I’m a Nolan diehard. Midnight releases and multiple viewings but I wouldn’t put myself at risk to see it in Imax. I’ll wait for home release because no movie is worth possibly getting sick and getting others sick. No matter how amazing it looks.
It is completely not worth risking your health and the health of others to see though. So wait until it comes out on home release, rather than going tot he theater. You can’t even go to the drive in, because the ever precious director only wants it released in drive ins where it is also in theaters to risk the health…
Nothing to see here, folks. Just a single, solitary bad apple which I’m sure was immediately plucked from the barrel before it could ruin other shiny, good apples.
Until proven otherwise, ACAB