
I read the book when it was still a galley, and I loved it. It was so hard to hand sell! I found that the key words were “Green Book” and “Jim Crow” and “Cthulu”and only a small percentage of readers were like, “GIMME.”

I really loved that they tackle this head-on in the book. Within the first 50 pages or so a father makes his son read a horrifically racist screed Lovecraft wrote after he finds his son reading ol’ HP. And the title of the book “Lovecraft Country” is basically what the characters call any place white, scary, rural and

“Oh you wanted me to go TO the demonstration, I thought you wanted me to be IN the demonstration... my bad. More importantly does this count as overtime or paid time off?”

May I suggest. “Cop-sucker”?

Fuck off racist, cop-sucking trolls.

Defund the racist, militarized police. They are a threat to public peace and safety.

I feel so safe and warm that patriotic and proud white American criminals only victimize people of other races.

Unfortunately, they’re going to go home and spread it to people who don’t deserve it. 

Sure is a lot of concern about completely unrelated stories down in the greys.

Oh yes the Conservative apology. Do something obviously racist, defend it, then drop a weak as hell apology.

“Make no mistake: White people know birtherism is racism.”

The cops should not have Dog Units. As drug or explosive sniffers they react according to their handler’s biases, and as attack dogs they are unconscionable since they are set on suspects [whom we should remember are still considered innocent citizens with all the rights thereof] to maul them. There is no reason why

Yeah, my first reaction was ‘well held!’

Not what I expected at all. That driver was both lucky and, from what I can read of the telemetry, cool as a cucumber. Looks like: hard on the brakes, then off everytime the spin was complete and then back on to the brakes moderately in an effort to stop the spin.

Best put out an editorial basically saying that cutting 50% of her budget would make it impossible for the police to do anything other than answer 911 calls and investigate murders.”

ONE fucking percent of their overall budget, and she does this?

But just cutting the police budget doesn’t really do anything unless that money is diverted to social services, mental health support etc. This is just a budget cut and not defunding the police in a meaningful way, and all it’s doing is trimming a few bodies in uniforms without making any real change to how they do

So the city cut their budget by less than 1% and 100 cops and she quits in protest?

May I point out that getting rid of the NRA is not the same as getting rid of the Second Amendment? We had the 2A a long time before the NRA, AND the NRA was just a gun-hobbyist club a long time before it was politically active.