
As others, been reading about Ellen being nice on screen, but the “don’t look her in the eyes” type of person behind and figured it extended into her team. The way they acted around her always seemed like forced laughter, more out of fear than being funny.

“It’s not who we are...”

Paycheck, and the payment for lawsuits.

Yes, the barrel itself is rotten. It doesn’t matter how lovely the fruit you put in it is -- they can’t be safely stored in those conditions. I’m cool with starting from scratch, but I think we should consider multiple angles. Renegotiate police union contracts so that cops are subjected to the same rules of

This information should be publicly available at all times to anyone. If your paycheck comes from may tax dollars, it is my right to know.

Its the same as Trump putting out ads that show pictures of protests from this May 2020 saying if Biden is elected America will devolve into the America currently under Trump.  Logic isn't these fuckers strong point. 

These idiots are like, “I never got this kind of reaction to the Nazi memes I post in my racist MAGA Facebook Group. Who knew when I took my Nazi antics out into the real world, I’d be treated as a pariah?”

Knowing about all those “isms” makes you a liberal elitist. Nice try, Groucho!

Honestly, the ease with which this kind of human lump is fooled is so embarrassing. They don’t have the slightest idea what socialism, Marxism, communism, anarchy, Nazism, fascism, etc., are as actual political systems or philosophies, but they’re sure them Dem Bastards are all of them at once.

The Associated Press reports that they were banned from all Walmart stores for at least a year.

“I’m trying to tell people what’s going to happen in America,” the Hitler fangirl replied as her partner in hate-crime declared from the register that “We’re living under a socialist state.”

Hey Maw? ‘Member how in Nazi Germany Hitler made all dem Hitler Youth dress up an wear Swastikas n shit? An ‘member how he made them march in formation an yell hi-yel Hitler n all that?

as her partner in hate-crime declared from the register that “We’re living under a socialist state.” (Hubby is also wearing a pro-Trump T-shirt,

Which is interesting because we have more diesel engines here than I can ever remember being offered. Mercedes has a few, fca has 2, gm has 3, Ford has 2, BMW, etc. Light cars? No usually light trucks and vans

Rules are for the little people, c’mon now. Celebrities in Murica live outside the normal laws, why would election rules apply?

Some things to note here...

Piece of shit cops. ACAB.

Sounds as though he was also asking this hewitt to please get off his neck. All three of those lying shits need to be fired and brought up on charges.

Love it, keep moving forward. I would have loved if our country was smart enough to elect Elizabeth Warren but for now I’ll take Joe Biden surrounded by as many progressives as we can get. Maybe in my lifetime we can attain certain things, universal health care, affordable college, wage equality, wage equity that a

The side of me that enjoys a good train wreck is disappointed at the potential lost comedy. The adult in me that knows he needs help is glad he’s stopping before the train wreck. ETA.: Gets worse. Before the train wreck gets worse.