
Thanks for the adds. Here’s a big list of books that have been recommended by other readers here, with the caveat that I haven’t read the last two yet.

I for one would be ecstatic if there were less unattentive people driving appliances on the road.

And woe betide anyone who tries to explain that white privilege doesn’t mean that a white person’s life won’t suck, it means that if it sucks it’s not because they’re white.

Extra Credit Reading List:

You just done paid for site operation for a month with the incelwaffen hate clicks this is gonna generate.

Lindsey’s fighting for Trump to keep his unfettered war powers right now, so yeah I hope he gets fucked.

Thanks, but I refuse to use sarcasm tags.

Yes! I see that by how high they place among the states in education, wages, health....

You’re going to need that

Mississippi is known for currently having its shit together. I can see why they wouldn’t want to mess with the formula.

Thanks for that!

I’m speechless, but with 36,895 comments, I haven’t always been speechless.  This post is the best prize ever!  Thanks so much, Andrew!

I feel like the Camaro is legitimately hurt by its lack of visibility. I don’t think a lot of people even realize that’s why they don’t like it, but it’s a major bummer/stressor when you can’t see out of your car very well.

It’s a comfortable car that can be had with a variety of HP flavors. It doesn’t always have to be about “riding on rails” handling. We’re undoubtedly heading towards an electric self driving future, so enjoy these types of cars while you can.

Consider that 2009 was right when the auto industry was being completely decimated, home sales and values were destroyed, foreclosures were out of control, and unemployment was high.

So they moved one of each trim level? yawn.

Either that and/or he wants to be a “wartime president” so that he can argue that we ought not change the leader midstream or some other such shit since (white) people tend to get stupid and jingoistic when told the country is at war; despite the fact that this country hasn’t actually declared war on any goddamn body

ha ha ha ha tough shit good luck with that, professor

Thanks for the laughs. I needed to take my mind off of things while sitting here in the ER waiting for my wife to get back from an MRI. Despite the current circumstances, I laughed out loud several times reading your list. Oh yes, people looked.