
You gave away the game, though—you’ve acknowledged it’s actually an SUV that you intentionally call a “truck” in error. It’s like saying, “Hey, do you like my new hat? It’s the latest fashion that I’m showing off on the runway.

I find either of those to be worlds more palatable than Biden. It’s going to be an important decision, and I really hope that it does help to rally more people behind her.

And at least if you're going to correct someone, you need to be right about it.

But--he has a very good brain!


That would be such a betrayal to her entire platform and candidacy that my first assumption is that you’re trolling.

I love you for this.

“I don’t have an issue acknowledging that Trump a) has a lot to learn and b) in his life as a business man was probably cutthroat and possibly corrupt c) that all presidents ‘gain’ from the office and there is no evidence he has “gained” in anyway abnormal.”

“I don’t have an issue acknowledging that Trump a) has a lot to learn and b) in his life as a business man was probably cutthroat and possibly corrupt c) that all presidents ‘gain’ from the office and there is no evidence he has “gained” in anyway abnormal.”

This is so laughably wrong it's not even being entertained as a legitimate thought by anyone who reads it. Fuck off to Brietbart or some other hellhole corner of the internet.

I’m with RandomHookup, “ear shit” is even better. Like I’m going to get a lot of odd looks at work because of my laughing just now.

[Audible cackling]

My smile is a mile wide, reading this.

Fuck yourself with a flaming cactus made of wolves, asshole.

Now playing

Trudeau’s policies aren’t exactly great, despite how polished he sounds when speaking.

Or World War 3.

On second thought, I see your point, and I doubt he'll last past the first primary or two such that he would make an appreciable dent in Biden voters.

Biden’s “electability” is largely due to his decades of political experience (also a negative for many with his awful policy positions/votes during that career) and name recognition for being Obama’s VP. Buttigieg has neither element, and seems to be banking not on the electability metric, but more ‘as centerist as

Hey, if he wants to chip away at primary voters that would otherwise go for Biden, right now I don't see a problem.

All I care about is that he rots in prison for the rest of his miserable life. I wouldn't care how it happens, just that it does. Then we can debate what the official charges *should have been*.