
That’s very encouraging. I suppose I could throw an app on my phone to start getting an idea of charging stations in my area, even though I don’t yet have an EV. I’m also somewhat interested in an electric motorcycle, though that comes with it the anxiety of two-wheels-bad (I’d have to learn to ride) and get used to a

Underrated comment.

Wait, didn’t the piece say the guy is 55? If they’ve been together almost 40 years, are they goddamn high school sweethearts? I’m legitimately amazed they lasted anywhere near this long, then. I had no idea who I was or what I wanted during high school—I would hate to spend most of my life in one of the relationships

Jesus, that’s enough Palin-spawn that I’d expect the Republican party to push for full statehood complete with 2 Senate votes (and like 12 in the Electoral College).

I don’t know why it twists his dick so much, but it sure does.”

As an aside, why does Trump look like he has fists up in a mock-boxing stance? Dude, you’re in the OVAL OFFICE which is guarded by military personnel—no one is going to throw down fisticuffs against your orange ass (no matter how stupid your input/decisions), President Dumbfuck. What, do you think it makes you look

“Nuke the site from orbit--it's the only way to be sure."

Your last sentence is all but proof that Trump himself did not write the tweets cited in this piece—you emulated Trump’s preferred tone better. The grammar of the tweets was too decent and free of misspellings, the exclamation marks were present, but there was no visceral anger, and the train of thought was largely

The right of the people” in this case extends to them in the capacity of maintaining the militia, which requires firearms to be effective in its defense of the people. If you enlist in the military and are trained in the use of grenades, RPGs, or tanks, after you fulfill your enlistment, are you legally allowed to

The right of the people to bear arms for protection from military threats through a militia that would require firearms to be effective. I’m still not seeing this application of the Amendment being extended to individual citizenry and their need for guns as integral to their self-protection.

All I care is that he is no longer in a position of power. Or anyone remotely like him.

He’s nothing but a lying, grifting, sociopath who has discovered that he’s risen to power through the cult-like devotion of his followers who will literally believe anything he doesn’t like is just “fake news.” He knows what he’s doing (and how bullshit/wrong it is) and simply doesn’t care. Please be respectful in

This comparison is narrow-minded and not a good way to engender people to your view of this argument.

I can follow and agree with each of your points, save for the shootings at gas stations (unfortunately, that seems to occur at a number of places, not merely limited to where you fill up) and the whole "move" thing--I like the city where I live, and I have other friends and a job here, too. ;)

The Second Amendment literally states that the right of “a well-regulated militia” shall not be infringed. Not “any yahoo has a God-given right to stockpile any firearm that has ever been conceived because they feel like it’s necessary to defend themselves from their paranoia of a tyrannical government or all the

Yeah, I haven’t kept up with all the details of where we currently are with charge times; then my concern shifts a bit to if battery degradation is noticably exacerbated by quick/partial charges.

I think 12 hours of highway speeds is an unreasonable expectation of range—I can’t think of anything in the ICE realm that could manage that—well, maybe a diesel with a giant tank. Likewise, a full charge of 100% inside of ten minutes would be phenomenal for EVs, but I’d be happy with 80% in 20 minutes if there was no

In this hypothetical my concern becomes: is there a charging station where we would be parked so that the car can be refilling juice whilst we do whatever activity? I’m seeing maybe a few parking spots at the mall/other areas where you*could* charge while doing something else, but those two or three slots are already

The average commute is one thing, sure, but if I want to meet friends partway across the state for a movie or another event (say 75 miles each way), suddenly I wonder how viable current ranges are for when I want to make that kind of trip. Charger availability and charge times aren’t quite there yet that I’d be fully

Let's keep pushing to change those current realities, then. I agree, President "Grab 'Em By the Pussy" and "Rapey McBeerface" are giant neon-signs of how far we have left to go before evil men are held accountable, but at the same time, it's not over. And at the bare minimum, their existence and rise to power despite