
At present, Cina seems to be kicking our collective ass when it comes to development and investing in renewable energy and other positive climate policies. I thought I saw something about them aiming to plant trees and increase their country’s forest-cover by a massive amount to aid with reducing the effect of carbon

I just don’t want to leave anything to chance.

“If you voted for Clinton last time you need to stop acting like a fucking idiot...

But the electoral college operates as if it does, somewhat. Dems lost the presidency despite winning the overall popular vote on more than one occasion, so rural voters can't just be written off.

Listen, I don’t disagree that Biden would embody many of the same negative aspects of Clinton’s 2016 run (both real and merely perceived), but I have a serious problem with anyone who calls Trump vs. Hillary an equivalently bad choice once they were both nominees in the general election.

I'm not holding my breath that one's going to materialize in this discussion.


I’d settle for “this motherfucker that says climate change is a hoax/conspiracy, but doesn’t question WiFi and other tech that came from the work of the scientific community...”

Maybe “Bashful” might be safe-ish in name only (not necessarily the personality of that character)?

You deserve a galaxy of stars for this.

I'll celebrate that--I thought that I finally got lifted from the grays myself, but I was mistaken. Happy for you, if slightly envious.

I'll take good news where I can get it. Maybe Trump will flail even more wildly because of this, making it harder for those who have stood behind him in Congress to find the political cover to continue to do so.

[reads headline] “Then fucking die already, assholes.”

What, no “360-no-scope”? Or is that phrase dated by now?

Agreed. It’s not only the fact that his car was abused this way without his permission, but that when the owner provided clear evidence of wrongdoing, they blew smoke up his ass about “I don’t need to see more” (like they accept responsibility), but then ghosted the owner about any sort of action to remedy the

Dude, this is the wrong fucking take. Don’t victim-blame.

I hope you catch equal heat for this take supporting yummy[pi]. Way to victim-blame, asshole—go fuck yourself with a cactus.

You know another incredibly likely way to hand the election to Trump? Deflate any enthusiasm from the left (which is rightfully certain of Trump’s guilt and deserving of impeachment) by the Democrats telegraphing that as long as the GOP controlled Senate won’t ultimately convict, those Democrats in the House and

Respectfully, sorry you can’t see the difference between “politician” and “criminal, grifter, fraud, traitor, failed-wannabe-mob-boss, Russian asset, and genuinely the most destructive force acting as part of our Democratic Republic.”

Goddamn, do I want to punt that baby.