
@goldandguns: There is such a thing as centrifugal force, just because they dont like the word anymore doesnt mean the concept dissapears.

@Polymath: My faith in the internet is upheld, someone else got here first, good work.

@K2THEM: Oh wow, do the PSX/n64 emus have a decent frame rate? Or, is it just one of those proof of concept emus?

I never watched this show just because the concept sounded so horribly boring (really really bad summaries), but a good review does make it sound a lot better.

I always wondered how this works... if you're in the same area as your fridge, wont it just be the same as if you just had the fan running by itself in the end.

Too bad about samba de amigo, that game was always so fun on the dreamcast.

@wætherman: Thats one time too far :(, now its boring again. (dont you hate it when your item just wont post)

@wætherman: hmm, i see, very interesting the second time.

@k4man: Its just like humans, you can stay in a bubble and eat wheat germ every day and be completely miserable all your life. Or, you could go outside, eat interesting foods, and have a fulfilling life, cats love new things.

@KTope: I dunno, i think the addition of 'space age' materials, etc. makes it pretty impressive, plus its not just a prosthesis (like the peg leg), from what i understand, it actually grows together. Although, depending on which definition of bionic you go for, i guess you're right, a lot of them require electrical

@gigantor28: Haha, man, i quit ages ago, this info is about 2-3 years old, being a mailman is hard HARD work sometimes.

You should see an actual mailroom, we have what looks like, about the size of laundry bins, a big open area dedicated to those, and its one guys job to throw all the packages into the right bin based on where its going, theres a lot of bins, so he has to have pretty good aim. And, no, when i was a mailman, we didnt

Wow, it sounds just like the facebook farmville experience.

Ah, and i was worried that i dont care at all about anything on my facebook. Seriously, what are you guys putting on your facebook, sex tapes? Hey, whoa, everyone knows my favorite books and movies... thats gonna be a problem... somehow...

Whenever i see polish names, i always assume its a bad malformation of their alphabet into mine, but they're pretty nearly the same. I think their pronunciation rules are just completely incompatible with mine :/.

@Limeade: The problem is, you either have those, or, you have the people who freak out for hours if you say a curse word, dont understand humor, and constantly blather on about how cute their children/pets/appliances (seriously, i knew a guy who could talk about his fridge for hours, not the food inside, just the