1) It was ONE of the craziest endings, not THE craziest ending.
1) It was ONE of the craziest endings, not THE craziest ending.
I know psychologists who only see other psychologists as clients. Which makes me wonder if there are psychologists who only see other psychologists who see other psychologists.
BrianXKaren here, aka Semicolon 5, aka 5th Semicolon. Really happy you did this. I mean, wow. Never thought I'd see the day.
Real honor to have been presented like this, though I wish a warning or direct news to me was given (I was screaming when I saw the article, didn't need that in the middle of the night lol). I'm…
There's a physics property in place with all types of bike where the wheels are pulled down. In the .gif, you'll notice they're intentionally upside down during flight, exploiting this attribute to gain extra lift.
Interestingly the UK gets tearaway and uncharted theme free too
Microsoft, now supporting the Vita the same amount as Sony.
Well to be fair, don't MS execs give money to Sony with every Blu Ray that is produced for one of their games?
Hey, thats a good advice for most things!
Thank you.
The villain never bothered them anyway.
For the first 10 minutes of Resident Evil 4, there's scarcely an enemy.
If you liked this, you should check out the book "The Physics of Superheroes" by physics professor James Kakalios. It's pretty fascinating, such as explaining how the physical makeup of Krypton would have had to been in order for original Superman's ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
And? Does it matter? It is a computer, bro, a server, a long .csv file. No one is actually reading this shit, you are not that important.