
Y'know, there's also the distinct possibility that you may just be an ignorant dumbf()ck. Just sayin'.

Glad to see that the site moderators have administered a metaphorical lozenge to effectively neutralize Hillary's Coughing Fits. ;)

No, it's definitely Ziggy-era Bowie. This is the exact make-up, hairstyle, and outfit that Bowie wore for the "Life on Mars" film short he made in March, 1973 [for that seminal track off of Hunky Dory (1971), the album that immediately precedes TRaFoZSatSFM (1972)]. So it was shot around the time of the release of

In response to your question: Oh, yes.
In response to your statement: Who gives a fuck?

This crap about there having been some sort of mass outcry to have an Asian-American actor play Danny Rand is really starting to wear on me. Attempting to re-write an established character for purely politically-OVERcorrect reasons is straight up bullshlt (and reverse-racist bullshlt at that, in this case). The

So far, two episodes in, I'm very much enjoying Iron Fist.

Yeah, for sure, but…?

Gratuitous? Please.

No, it's not ridiculous - as it's essentially the same RULE BREAKING twist in Fight Club, Haute Tension, and Mr. Robot, that stands in contrast to RULE ABIDING twists like The Sixth Sense and The Others. I abhor hypocrites and as such strive to maintain consistency in my views. You can rationalize all you like as to

NEWSFLASH: You don't know dick about horror movies.

Oh, no doubt Fight Club is the far superior film. However, I simply can't, in good conscience, give that movie a free pass with its twist while at the same time lambasting Haute Tension. Consequently, I've made my peace with the latter film.

U Dumb.

You know, for a long time I used to agree with this assessment, until it finally hit me that I was essentially being a hypocrite, seeing as I had no issue whatsoever with Fight Club exercising a nearly identical twist.

I've got an alternative suggestion for ya (which requires but a SINGLE hand):

Shut the fuck up, ya pretentious prick (and yeah, you - or anyone, for that matter - who chooses to speak in the plural, in an obvious attempt to try and make your wholly singular opinion seem as though yours is the elected voice of some group consensus, is deserving of a curt tongue-lashing).

"Gussied up torture porn…" Uh…no, ya nitwit lemming. Pascal Laugier's 'Martyrs' is not only the single best horror film of the 21st century, it damn well deserves inclusion in any serious horror film aficionado's top-5 of all-time. It's nothing short of a masterpiece.

How 'bout THIS. You're a dumb-ass.

I'm not going to pore over all 670 comments, but glancing at the comments present on the page that was up on screen at the time that I wrote this, all I see is mostly comments by people who are absolutely certain that Matt raped his comatose wife with no mention of the comment made by the man in the visitor center who

Ugh, what a pretentious fucking post. "I continue to watch this show even beyond hate watching…" Christ, hyperbolize much?

Darby_Eternal is no doubt a douche, but the musical choices have indeed been spot on.