
Also to note, the California PUC is getting ready to green light unlimited robotaxis while the state is in the midst of a homeless crisis. Good idea, let’s vaporize thousands of jobs being done by people who are likely doing this because they lost whatever other income they had. That surely could have no

These vehicles should not be on public streets.

Lots of things were said that China couldn’t do, they did it. It is impossible to prevent common knowledge like jet engines from being developed by any determined actor. Name one technology that has been only held by one country forever

And SUVs do a lot more damage when they run people over.

Back in my day we had a better class of rich person, either driving a magnificent luxury sedan or a sports car like a 911. Now we have people spending 80k on a Tahoe that drives like a fancy U-Haul and that has such poor forward viability that every child or rock within a 10-foot radius is in imminent danger.

Reckless driving charges?

Can you throw in eight murder charges on top of that too? And wouldn’t this count as domestic terrorism?

We have a lot of issues that we have to confront if we want to tackle the homeless crisis. One is that, although some statistics show that up to 50% of homeless people are employed, a lot of homeless people are unemployed, and not employable. Even if clean and sober, they likely will never hold down a job again, and

It’s a far cry from Los Angeles’ strategy of blasting ear splitting music to keep unhoused people moving.

It would sure be wonderful to see all the money wasted on book banning, and abortion denying, and the hundreds of other anti-American activities, we could instead show we are a first class nation and care for our sick and suffering.

There is such a lack of empathy and kindness in the world we are living, this is truly sad. I am not an expert neither did I study about this topic but a lot of people just seem to not care anymore about others, I am not sure why.

The Jan 6 crowd are still (largely) unpunished and running around for far more “aggressive” actions.

Ex NYC worker here - and someone who needed to commute into lower manhattan every day by motorcycle. This is great! As someone who drove a company van in NYC for work, illegally stopped and parked vehicles were a hassle and a time wasting headache for me and everyone else, and there was no way the NYPD could ticket

Lol they’re gonna find so many cops / cop adjacent people with missing or intentionally obscured license plates.

If you told me it had already happened, I’d believe it though.

So we are about three weeks from reading a headline about a homeowner who was “coal-rolling” with his lawn tractor and shot his complaining neighbor with an AR.

Also the elective surgery was apparently to correct a sunken chest, so he basically got breast augmentation to look more masculine, which is a form of gender affirming care he so vehemently opposes for others.

Why would you think they’d care? This demographic threw their weight behind a man who has five children, two ex wives, one wife who will be an ex at some point, and a history of infidelity. They called Trump an imperfect vessel of God. They're not looking for logical consistency or faith. It doesn't matter who in

The old Colt Vista was the champion when it comes to fitting 3 rows of seats in a compact vehicle:

It’s a problem with American expectations of governmental competence generally, and it needs to change.

Even though he is surrounded by worse people at the moment, remember that Mitt is hot garbage too.