forgot one thing....
forgot one thing....
ahh i see, i understand now.
In the future, I would recommend doing more than 0 seconds of research on a topic before posting about it. You are on the internet, the total sum of human knowledge made manifest. Consider using it.
That’s literally not true. In CA total tax and fees on gas from all sources is less than $1.50 per gallon. The oil companies here are up to some incredible shenanigans.
Pretty weak article, Larry.
It is my freedom to murder humans from the comfort of my 4000 pound steel box in publicly funded spaces, entirely because those public funds were used to make part of it flat and hard - murica
It is the drivers responsibility to look for cyclists and pedestrians, not the other way. The pedestrian/cyclist has the right of way at all times, even when not on a sidewalk or bike lane.
Minivans. Unless you’re too manly to be caught dead behind the wheel of a mommy-mobile.
All you said is “fuck everyone else, Imma drive a tank!” . Which is great, until everyone else also gets a tank, and now you need TankV2 to feel safe again. That’s stupid and you’re part of that stupidity.
If I put stickers on my car, I’d be strongly tempted to add one of these:
Weather extremes? Nordic countries get along quite well with tons of snow and smaller vehicles. Rain and heat don’t matter for trucks vs. cars.
We have space, long distances between towns, big roads, weather extremes, and big parking spaces in the vast majority of the U.S. that just don’t compute from an E.U. perspective
Full size trucks and SUVs make perfect sense in much of the country.
Rugged individualism
Though I suspect the environmentalists will still be unhappy and still messing with people’s stuff.
I have a boomer neighbor who always fumes about this sort of stuff. He hates it when I point out that he will probably be dead by then.
The answer is not adaptive headlights - that’s a nice bonus, but doesn’t do anything about the higher-and-higher headlights, the alignment drifting over time, and the illegal aftermarket mods. The first screams out for regulation - a simple rule that says all headlights must be mounted at or below a certain height…
The Jones Act is terrible in so many ways. During the last(?) devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico (I’ve lost count, sadly) the US literally could not ship aid there because we did not have Jones Act compliant ships! Our own hostages people, and we could not even help them thanks to a terrible century old law that…
A big container ship obviously emits significantly more than a single truck, those things are basically mobile ecological disasters.
These kind of cars fit probably 75-80% of all use cases for the average urban/suburban/exurban commuter but people act like we’re ripping the farm trucks out of their hands because they’re the one guy who tows horses for 2000 miles a week.