
But then there is Polaris Slingshot

You both need to carpool. This will take one car off the road. Better for them!

The credit partially goes to that kid and that side rail forcing him to run in the right direction. Truck clear ran past the point kid entered in its path.

You know what pissed me off about this story? CNN! I mean look at them vs. Jalopnik

You know what pissed me off about this story? CNN! I mean look at them

Put Civic Type-R engine in it and slap Acura VSX on the back. You have the all the part already, well except for the new VSX pending order from AliBaba

god damn it!

The older ones are being used for snow plowing, you are right, too many of them

You are confusing with Camry’s front logo. The rear logo does not dip

Are the rear door sealed shut or they swing open?

Who’s to say who quoted it first.

This look nothing more than a limp dick

hahahahaha. this made my day

I feel like asking these questions without letting them use a product is not very productive. Describe elevator to a 19th century dude and ask if he’d ride it. Once the product hit the market people will use it no matter what the impact is. Look at iPhone8/X pre-orders for example.

A self driving taxi for one. There isn’t any around to test ride in. What kind of question is it really?

Need banana for scale to these parts

kill it with fire!

Not doubting this guy but how many people totalled their cars like this because they were behind on payments or just didnt want the car no more?

You can see plate on the back covered with tinted casing