
Monkey Island by a long shot.

Cheers on the Can't Hardly Wait imagery. I have no legs!

If you’re a Jew whose German grandparents were deported or left because of Hitler, you are eligible for German citizenship. I’m in the process of starting my application.

I have a simple question and perhaps it’s been asked already, but does this ship design mean that the only actual sunlight the crew can get is on the helipad? How often would that actually happen, anyway? Serving on this destroyer seems like it’d be akin to serving on a sub.

Right, which is why we should be championing this type of content. Tyler is fact checking who is telling the truth and who is full of BS. On both sides.

Reading is fundamental. Tyler linked to the previous Democratic debates piece and specifically said he’ll be doing this for the next Dem debate.

Damn, Jim Cooke killin’ it again with story art.