
Apple is strictly for geeks. I teach computer classes. In 22 years I have only met 2 people over 40 that use MACs. I just met them a month ago at a seminar. Two nice old ladies(not that they had any idea of what they were doing but they faked it very well). I tried to feed my father a MAC. He lasted 12 mins and said

Apple is strictly for geeks. I teach computer classes. In 22 years I have only met 2 people over 40 that use MACs. I just met them a month ago at a seminar. Two nice old ladies(not that they had any idea of what they were doing but they faked it very well). I tried to feed my father a MAC. He lasted 12 mins and said

try this experiment.....boil water...not a cup but a gallon....get some delicate instruments that can measure temperature differential to one one thousandth of a degree. Also some instruments that can measure currents of moving liquid. Check water flow and rotation speeds of eddies in your liquid world at 90 degrees

and i'm supposed to believe this story? if this is true then we're all doomed for sure. this should mean that Obama isn't running our country but a guy that lives in a hole in the ground in ecuador is really the pres. poppycock i say.

OK I'm dropping my idea on the masses. Space elevator? [Hmmmm...not] an easy task. How about a floating platform at around 100,00 feet? You can use the platform to launch much smaller vehicles into space, like a 10-20 ton rocket with a small science or habitation module up to the moon. Send one small module at a time,

Michio Kaku, Ed Witten, Bill Gates, Kim Jong Un, ME

there will always be monkeys out there that like there will also be plenty of monkeys that like matt

this has nothing to do with this story....but i'v been coming to this website for a few years now and i'v never seen any way to search for anything in another story that i remember reading....the search at the top is a google search...why would i want to search google on Gizomdo? or on CNN? when i'm

If this has any value to mankind I'm not seeing it....cudnt finish....seems like the guy that did it cudv spent his time giving out that toast to some homeless dudes....he mightv saved a life....what a waste of time...if this is the future we're doomed...get me on that one way trip to Mars please. I'll sit in the

Aristotle, Charlemagne, and Einstein would say "Ridiculous". You wasted the energy of 1600 people to make 100 million sunflower seeds? For people to walk on? I wonder what else they could've done that might have wound up being remembered forever? 1600 people can do.....A LOT. What a waste of resources. Terrible. Abuse.

what's the big deal with the meal? looks fine to i know what i need to store up on when that hurricane is coming to fort lauderdale..thanks lady...yaw da bestest!