
Tho he sincerely propagandized for non conspiratorial positive possible political change after his early more…cynical ? portrayal of romance & action as young people's main motivations. Esmail doesn't seem to be proposing a positive vision or even a workable critique of the real current world, let alone endorsing

Yes. Most shows give a script to captioning service & this one especially may not provide an advance to watch(to avoid leaks). If you ever watch a live talkish or even music awards typeshow, it's hysterical how bad the captioners are at simply transcibing what was said. For VMAs, the captioners couldn't get the

Dennis, Ryan is more a plot device than a believable character & the actor is struggling to make stolid, blurty & inarticulate work without being given any autistic spectrum traits, arrogant work without any charm, charisma and arrogance/attachment to Ryan's own ideas immediately morph into abandoning his autonomy to

Doesn't have to be evil, just fearful of the folks who tortured him—including what they might do to Darlene, not just to him.

If only. He hasn't even spoken up for Romeo yet, or made a single on camera attempt to support the Black Lives Matter movement, and he's bought into every manipulative attempt based on his future financial prospects so far.

I tried to watch Bachelorette after Unreal but this year could not identify with any of the guys or girl they cast & found the dialogue so boring & repetitious that I just ff'd through the scenery, which is better w/o the sound.

Salient, concise, and accurate. I tried hoping to see some range out of the lead actress as well as JG.

And yet the "real" reality show has been promoing "Chad may or may not have" done so after gorging on lunch meat…..I didn't watch that show but the hype about it was all over.

Loved that they are allowing some real depth and more lines to Grandma Huang as a character. More Lucille Song!

The real Eddie Huang is complex, brilliant and funny. Just got to see his show Huang's World on Viceland thanks to a free sampling of "basic" channels on Direct TV. Any chance A.V. Club might review that show, Dan Caffrey, or at least do a "For Your Consideration" appreciation of it?

Yes, loved her cranky spoiled standup character, but since there are so many cranky and/or spoiled characters on this show, wish they'd written her another flavor & let her try out some acting.

Don't think he looked, & he def did not find, a reason. Which begs the question, should I reply to him & let him know the last episode of The Carmichael Show was not only funny but also gave the Jarrod character some welcome introspection & depth, building on the last episode where he was accused of provoking folks

I think Pete D played Jon Snow.

She is prosperity gospel, not Catholic. When you have a personal relationship with Jesus, your taste abundance and rewards in this life.

They could have tied it in the class perspective. Plenty of folks I knew coming up felt like it wasn't really bad to take a little from people & places who had too much. Could be applied to Sears and to wealthy private school parents.

Just wondered if indiscreet was morphing in meaning, like awesome and amazing & so many other words that have changed connotation in my lifetime. Probably due to, since it comes from a time/place of judgement: that some behavior was indiscreet implying that it was indecorous or even borderline not meeting community

For sure pre 9/11 even government agencies were not so strict about putting exactly what was on your birth certificate, and in at least some states you could use your middle name or nickname or whatever name you commonly used on your driver's license, credit card or professional certificate. Remember, even your

When of course "Butch" is as meaningful as a name can be!

Tho most of the people who named their baby Emma last year just really loved the name, as did all folks in the 80s who picked "Jennifer" and those 30ish years ago who went for Ashley. When they picked the name, they didn't know lots of other parents were in the same zeitgiest!

The real Eddie was on Colbert Late Night and he was warm, humble, smart, deep and very funny. His books are well-written and his successful restaurant was based on being creative with the Taiwanese home cooking he grew up eating, not the Cattleman's Ranch food. He's more like Louis than his real father is, if you