Toronto is going to have to make more shots if they hope to win this series. You're not going to win many games in this league if you're getting outscored.
Toronto is going to have to make more shots if they hope to win this series. You're not going to win many games in this league if you're getting outscored.
Its almost as if making cars is hard. That’s why I haven’t brought the AquaCow AC1 to market yet. On a related note, I’m looking for $1 billion in funding.
If Houston wanted to win last night’s game they simply just needed to score more points than Golden State. That's how you win basketball games.
He has the shield going into the past. In the MCU it’s just pure vibranium.
I thought I heard about how on point Klobuchar was with things. This makes her look like a goof. Honestly.
After watching a few highlights from this series it's become clear to me that the only way for Brooklyn to win is to score more points than the 76ers.
That is some John Madden/Magic Johnson level analysis.
I’m not that old. Hell, I’m in my early 30s. Even I remember when the least expensive new vehicle you could buy was almost always a pickup.
You’re right, coach. When I think “accountability,” I think Michigan State.
The subway is electric and breaks all the time. Being electric doesn’t mean it’s reliable at all.
Works on contingency? No, money down!
Steelers: We’re gonna go ahead and light our roster on fire.
The data isn’t trying to quantify extremity, dummy. It’s objectively quantifying people’s qualitative subjective assessments. You fucking moron. You utter, utter moron.
But "What time does the Super Bowl start?"
My sources tell me they either love Wentz, hate him, other think he’s okay.
Looks like another year I'll be holding on to my 720p plasma tv.
New Jersey-ite here. I can confirm the proliferation of model 3s in this state as well as lack of turn signal useage of said model 3s.
The best part about Saturday was all the cowboys fan disappearing into the ether. The worst part about Sunday was all the cowboys fans coming back to grief the eagles.