
I actually LOL’ed at the fact that apparently events like this are common enough in V.C. Andrews’ works to require clarification as to which book someone is talking about.

women are legit not allowed to do anything w their own bodies except be fucking brood mares.

Okay but like if you were to look up serial killer in the dictionary this is what would be there.

Love The Kills. Love The Dead Weather. That woman has the most dangerous voice I've ever heard.

This sounds excellent. I’m in. When I do yoga at home, my cats just watch suspiciously as though they think I’m trying to infiltrate their clique. My cats are snobs.

As someone who has tried to practice yoga at home with two cats - this is a nightmare.

hair is a better route.

The awful part was my husband laughing. Right there, our marriage was over.

If she was my sister and she chose to stay with him, I’d make it a mission to always call him Mr. Danger Zone. I’d never let him forget this. I’d set his number to the Danger Zone ring tone and give him Danger Zone shit for Christmas. I’d be petty as hell.

Me either. I refuse. Poor lady.

So much this. Fuck all these people who think that every shitty thing they witness happening to anyone needs to immediately be shared on the internet.

If her uncles are anything like mine, SHE be a widow by now...

Yeah, I didn’t watch it because it seems kind of mean and I get wicked second-hand embarrassment. Poor thing.

If her uncles are anything like mine, HE would be the one getting shit for years.

Whoever documented her shame and then put it on the internet deserves an eternity of public humiliations. I hope they crap themselves at work or on the metro or while on a first date. The universe should right this wrong. And I hope in their moment of embarrassment they realize that what they are experiencing is

Me too. If I were as upset and humiliated as she was, I’d definitely want a few friends to just come up and hover inches from my face, kissing my cheeks every two seconds.

Nobody said they did. But uninformed people continue to claim that coastal southern California is a desert, which isn’t just wrong; it’s terribly misleading. They think, at best, something like this:

No, in fact it’s considered a Mediterranean climate. It is not a desert.

Sinkcats unite!