
One quibble. Can we not be ageist? Thanks. As a 50 year old person, I do not have these views of which you speak, and I’m super not okay with younger women lumping older women together in this way. Thanks. She feels this way because she feels this way, not because she’s old.

Because our goddamn society tells the average man that if he doesn’t take the initiative in regards to his sexual impulses, he is pretty much guaranteed to lose his man card.

How old is this pic if he is 74? I feel like this is the outdated Mutt Lang picture in every Shania Twain VH1 special.

“Let me tell you about my trouble with _____,”

Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

She’s either lying or mistaken. Quaaludes were discontinued in 1985, they are literally impossible to acquire, even 10-15 years ago they simply did not exist anymore, its even banned in India where illegal knock off pills are usually produced (illegal in the US but legal there). You can get Methaqualone only in Canada

I know right? My jaw dropped at that.

“I dissed a girl (and I liked it)“

Feminism is just a red herring.

Note to women, your lives are worthless! Well, maybe worth 10 months. Fucking speechless.

the recommendation was made because of Pistorius’s good behavior in prison

This gif has gotten so much mileage over the past week with every use better than the last.


Only an assumption here, wouldn’t the hospital try to determine if Glory was pregnant before a scan? And if she was, would they then not perform it? Radiation and dye and all the risks?