
But on the flip side, don’t you look like a damn goddess is that dress?!?

Dachshunds are rarely pleased ime. They are much too busy trying to bark their tiny heads off and pick fights with wildlife many times their size.

Based on my experience with such unconnected drivel, I can only assume that a Mario Kart tournament broke out in the restaurant, and this woman repeatedly used the blue shell on Tyrone.

That loud noise you’re hearing is the collective screams of ophthamologists and optometrists everywhere.

She wore a tie and greeted the florist.

I am pretty sure that if that were my job, I’d just drink a lot. A very lot. All the drinks.

As much as I love my two fur babies, they won’t have much to do with the wedding except to try and destroy presents/tissue paper and lay in abandoned boxes. (I’m so very happy I have a basement they’re not allowed in to use for storage). Plus the two only barely tolerate the groom (despite living together for 2+

I detest the willfully ignorant. I give you major kudos for not smacking her.

creating makeshift pads out of rocks

My mother LOVED a good party, especially a costume party. She channels through me all the time, when I hear myself say, “Oh, THAT would be GREAT for a costume!” Even though I never go to costume parties. Maybe it’s because she was a Halloween baby.

Er...forgive me could they have been great relationship role models if that sociopath just got up and left. My therapist’s brain tells me there was so much you didn’t know about their dynamic. Yikes!

Cut off all contact. That’s it. And because they are a narcissist they will continue to try to weasel their way into your life but you can’t give in. And they might say lies about you to try to justify when you cut them off (because it’s never on them) and ignore it. Don’t engage.

Jezzies! I had my very last math class this week. I AM FREE FROM MATH FOREVER!!! Also, I suddenly realized on Thursday that I was completely over my ex. It’s been a liberating week! Also I’m super stressed about finals but what else is new

I personally think that the forgetting is a ruse.

My mother is a borderline. When my college boyfriend ended our relationship, I was destroyed. I will never forget her looking at me and saying “well maybe this is what we deserve when we try to be something we aren't".

Yes! I often feel too embarassed to get specific when discussing my mother’s abuse, because it sounds so hilarious over-the-top I don’t see how anyone else could take it seriously. But if it helps, try to remember it’s not the specific words she used that is hurting you, but the harmful message behind it. She was a

Don’t apologize that’s what we’re here for. Vent away!

I think just the fact that you wrote that, shared it with us, makes you beautiful! My mother who has been dead a long time now never tried to kill me, physically, but psychologically I was often assaulted during childhood. Every day, actually, because she’d be shit faced drunk. I wish I could take away your bad