
Shit, he went and learned German just to troll. That’s dedication.

Thank you for saying this. I’m the wife of a disabled vet and you said this way more eloquently than I could have.

Plus, those are roses, not magnolias.

One year from now Matt Heflin remains dumb, uneducated, and unemployed. Support from family and friends has run out. Rent is due, the fridge is empty. Facing homelessness and starvation, Heflin’s last option is to join the military he so hated. The recruiter laughs when he steps through the door.

And those are not magnolias...

I’m sorry, but, you’re totally making all of this up. I’m from München, and we (and everyone else in the entirely far less provincial rest of the country) is very well aware of both “racial descriptions” and the ascription of power to white men. What a weird thing to make a troll post about.

I have a HIGHLY LIMITED skill set and have done little of note in my life... but I opened for her when she did a live show a few years back. I am not an excellent performer (just fun/hobby for me), but she was the most SUPPORTIVE AND WONDERFUL member of the audience during my set. I doubt any other famous people would

Everyone I know rinses the dishes under running water before putting them in the dishwasher. That’s washing them before washing them. Unless that’s counted in the water usage, this isn’t really an equivalent measurement.

Note, however, that any environmental savings dishwashers have from the water is offset by the environmental damage done by the electricity and the pollution necessary to create some of the components.

Whoa what? You don’t know this?

For the bride looking for sleeves: I don’t know if you’ve already considered this, but perhaps there’s a dress shop near you that caters to Jewish customers? They might have a larger selection of dresses with sleeves.

There’s a wonderful book called “Self Portrait in a Velvet Dress,” It’s full of large photos of her skirts and blouses, her rebozos, & some of the things in her bathroom, it’s really beautiful. ISBN 978-0-8118-6344-5

Yeah, well, joke’s on you because now Kelly’s in the Blogger ICU with Acute Fake Southernitis

I honestly think it’s bullshit wedding dresses are 2K but getting sleeves or asking to have them added requires a Hogwarts spell

This isn’t really a “those bastards,” more like, “this is how this worked and the NYPD and Uber working together delayed the process of finding and interviewing this person.”

Thanks for commenting. If you want to talk about this more, you can always reach me at

SLEEVES. This was my endless quest. To the person who asked for sleeves, I also really wanted sleeves when I got married last year! You could try what I did out of desperation: Chop a sleeved dress in half (have a tailor put some elastic on the bottom) and stick it on top of a skirt you like! It was really cheap

Maaaaan my girl Frida gives me all the feelings. I look up to her so much—a mixed-race indigenous woman with chronic pain/health problems that gave a resounding “FUCK YOU” to Euro-centric ideas of beauty, and she’s like an amazing artist too??? Like seriously, I can’t even begin to explain how much she means to me,