Jimmy McMessageboard

Crictics gonna critique

My buttholes stinks but otherwise I'm ok

The other was underground if that makes a difference. No mushroom cloud etc

And the award for "I only read the title and then commented" goes to

Yeah I think the emo birther album is Diary, right?

I think that was a question the interviewer asked

Huge fan of How it Feels from way back. Never heard anything else by them. Recently revisited it and it's still as good and on constant rotation again. I decided to listen to Diary too and it's a total different band. I can see it's also good but not what my SDRE sound like at all.

To anyone spouting sci-fi theories for next season… Can a show go sci-fi after 2 seasons of mental problems and hacking?

Elliott has to be confused because we're confused. If he knows the plan then we should know the plan too. But I agree it is getting a little old/frustrating

Yeah a brave choice too as its one of the more acquired taste kraftwerk songs (took a while to grow on me), but I guess the lyrics fit (somewhat) and the mood is spot on.

Trenton is talking about the encrypted ecorp data right? They originally thought it was not decryptable, but she now figured out that the encryption they used CAN actually be decrypted.

No "bonsoir eliot"?

Complete Surrender was a great album.
The covers album from last year was mostly bad although opening with a decent version of one of my favourite Arthur Russell songs was brave.
So far this new album hasn't really made an impression on me yet except for the single "waves" which is a great song

Is anyone else concerned that Eliot is just being sidelined like Daenerys (GoT) for 2 seasons whilst they got everyone else positioned and afterwards was exactly where she started. Guess we'll find out.

I could see what they were going for but to me the choice was too easy to pull the lever and I don't think I'm just heartless. They were drilling bone marrow from her moms leg and her friends were next - were we really meant to feel the torment of the choice? To me there was no choice and no regret needed they forced

The digital copy (on spotify) comes an extra track at the start. I've never heard of that before. I think track 3 (Human Performance) is where the albums really starts though. Dust is ok but not an opener, not sure why they made a video for that song either..? The digital only "Already dead" isn't a great opener

This band needs to really return to it's roots. Their first album is so good and it's partly down to the sound (badly recorded on a 4track in the kitchen or something), partly due to great songs and partly due to the energy in the recordings. Every single album since has lacked something. "Hey You" seems to be

I've been enjoying the new record but agree it's long. Although saying that I really love the extended version of brothers and sisters with the "sisters of the eternal son" choir and that is 18 tracks total.