
Apple is buying Atieva. The deal is already way down the pipeline, and just hasn’t been made public.

We still have a ‘91 that is in limited operation. Not the fancy SC one, either.
Complaints were that it was underpowered, but, nah. Maybe fully laiden, with kids, luggage, and dogs.

Has no one here said EeePC? I have one. It was bought with lab money a ton of years ago, though. Tiny screen, child-size keyboard. Zero software support; I can’t find any live links for debian or ubuntu versions, images, or distros that work on it. 4GB storage built in. 30 minutes of battery life.

Weird ... where did she spend that $55K? Did he plant it into the ground, as a lion lure? Did his gun shoot a $55,000 bullet? Did he have to built an elaborately woven rope made out of $55,000 of greenbacks?

To interact with a woman, every step has to be completely perfect.

His felony is for political campaign financing, in the amount of $20K. Other people do the same to the tune of millions, and they don’t end with felonies. Interesting.

OK, so what was their application pool? And what are the representation levels coming out of colleges and training programs?

FB does have some diversity manager who is a black lady, who has said that both of my afformentioned stats are the real problem. Few black STEM grads, and few black job applicants. Thus, their

You have a narcissistic personality disorder.

The “Apple Car” is going to be a partnership with Atieva and VW. It will essentially be the new concept VW microbus that has been shown.

Everyone is pointing at rotary engines, but DARPA is actively funding *several* efforts to make small multi-fuel rotary engines. At several scales, too, including down to the centimeter scale.

Every few years or so, you’ll hear about a company proposing an exhaust heat thermal regeneration unit using steam. I think even BMW had a concept for it for a while.

I’d bet that worldwide, there are more carbureted automobiles currently in use than fuel injected. If you include motorcycles, it is *definitely* true.

Everyone went gaga over Leno’s one when he had that custom built. And a guy from EA did one, too.

There must have been something in Lena Headey’s contract that guaranteed her at least 2 full hours of screen time this season, or something. They spent essentially all of the first three episodes on only Cerci, as a character, not even as part of a storyline.

Another good trick where ice and water can come in is if you are using a griddle to cook your patties. You also need a metal bowl or deep pot lid or something that can cover the burger. Throw the cheese on there, throw the ice around it, then cover with the lid.

Ahaha, this is funny. I think I am going to go and write a script to auto-updog every name get published on Jezebel.

Do you feel at all embarassed about this: https://archive.is/DLepI ?
Has it made you reconsider your approach to stories?

Any word on whether or not I can just install Ubuntu or Windows on this? And what the form factor of the SSD is?

It’s a damn shame that the non-mac laptop market is so terrible. There’s almost no machines with high res displays. The few Lenovos that compete are WAY above $2K, and then Lenovo was embroiled in that whole

Women can't be shown in situations of distress.

"I heard one about an older lady who bought a Prius. One day it had thrown a CEL and started driving like shit, so she took it to the dealer to be fixed. The mechanics started on it and they found the problem. So, they asked her when the last time she had the oil changed and her response was, 'never, the Prius doesn't