
I’ve been here for years, and am fully capable of recognizing how many of these wounds were completely self-inflicted. I find Thiel’s victory troubling from a freedom of the press standpoint but Gawker’s petty childish bullshit enabled it to happen, and honestly I’m almost madder at them. They created the perfect test


Omg yes! I think I played #1 Crush and Kissing You about a million times.

Me Before R+J

Say what you will about the movie, but that soundtrack is KILLER.

Here you go!

Stuff of nightmares.

I live in a safe Clinton state and I will vote however I want.

It’s early in the day, but this is a strong contender for COTD for me

A little test run before Election Day

So that makes Fred Rodgers bad ass too. Thieves took his car and then returned with a note reading “if we had known it was yours, we would have never taken it.”

“Almost definitely going” means “definitely not going.” Same with “I’ll try to be there,” “if I get out of work in time,” etc.

A group of my friends were inconsolably butt-hurt when I refused to buy in to a cruise vacation with them TWO FUCKING YEARS in advance. I told them I wanted to wait because, you know, a lot of shit can happen in two years. They ended up on a boat with a listeria outbreak.

When I was 26, it meant “do you get drunk and then have sex with strangers?”

Inch long? I’ve had some that were over 2 inches! And that makes me proud. And I’m gonna leave some of me behind in EVERY bathroom I visit.

You seem to be the only one that has a problem with this. It’s not like they’re whipping them out and comparing them. It’s a pretty benign conversation. I’m sure the topic has come up in my group of friends before.

Not really. If you’re willing to talk about sex, then there is no reason why it should be weird to ask someone if they trim or not.

My friends talk about it all the time. I’m not embarrassed about it at all. We even give each other tips. Don’t ever use clippers without some sore of guard. Those little teeth will grab your sack in a second.

Guy1: My girl doesn’t seem to like to suck my dick. Guy2: Shave your pubes. She won’t mind it as much and your dick will look bigger.