
I don't mind Aaron Stanford. But you're right, they've already got Kirk Acevedo right there…

"while i do not like Monty much"

If you click on your name, then click on the icon and get to your Disqus profile, there's a little gear up in the corner that will bring you to your settings. And thank you.

Didn't Abigail say something about the Grounders being led by a child? I think Lexa is supposed to be as young as she looks. Young people have to face terrible situations pretty early in life on the ground. Remember the girl Clarke was supposed to heal? Who looked all of what, twelve, but had already killed five

To me, he will always be the guy from Empire Records who doesn't feel that he needs to explain his art to you, Warren.

Lexa may have just edged out Raven as my favorite character.

Finn's dead eyes following Clarke in the very beginning was pretty creepy though.

Hey, Wells is probably hanging around somewhere.

Oh, it doesn't matter. You two couldn't get any weirder looking.

His 'big' scene in The Bourne Legacy was goddamn terrifying.

If anyone wants me, I'll be in my room.

I was born in Dearborn, MI! They did a decent job of finding a place to film that looked like it could fit in there. Most other things I'd say about the episode have already been said.

My brother and sister and I quote this movie all the time.

Only says "Ficus."

We have our own horrible presidential hopefuls to deal with here, thank you.

Characters who were not working for high-level government: the roommate, the waitress, the waitress's strict house matron, Jarvis, any milk truck employees, the throat-box villains, the employees of the factory/company that was incinerated, the jerk at the diner, the various arms dealers (one of whom was Andre Royo,

I know very little about it but I am nonetheless very excited.

I upvote this and begin to weep.

It may have been someone at Florrick/Agos who tipped him off, too.

The best part of the training montage was the fact that it backfired completely. I thought that was a nice twist on the trope, though the montage itself could've been funnier.