
What do you want us to do?

Please keep reviewing this show, A.V. Club.

Ha, I didn't even notice Isaac's absence. I guess that's a sign of how little he had to do last season, too. I had heard Daniel Sharman was considering leaving the show, but I don't know if that was ever confirmed. Maybe he'll get a throwaway explanation (he was so sad about Allison! or something) later in the


I'm confused. Is Grimm not a thing anymore?

So, I'll meet you guys on tomorrow's WHAT'S ON TONIGHT to discuss things, right?

I understand why it was done, and I can get behind that to some degree. I don't find it purposely offensive; I just find it rather tone-deaf.

Give or take some admittedly awkward yellow face, I really loved that movie.

It would be a lot easier to separate out the bad ones if the good Skittles helped in that task instead of just insisting they're good Skittles, to take an already somewhat strained metaphor further.

I probably should have removed 'most,' that's unfair. But a lot of #notallmen and the defensive attitude behind it seem to me to carry the attitude that these #yesallwomen statements/complaints/whatehaveyou are exaggerated or simply not that important. 'Not all men' diminishes the power of the 'yes all women'

Doing both of these is one thing. Doing just the first and then pretending that's that, it's not my problem, and what's the big deal anyway? — which is what happens most often — is decidedly different.

This is just a few general ideas, not meant for one person specifically or anything.

It's mostly because "Not ME! I'M not the problem!" is pointless and distracts from the conversation. "I'm not part of the problem" makes it about you, when, if you're really not part of the problem, it isn't about you.


The running list of new names for Agent Hail McHardBody over on Agents of Shield.

If anyone wants me, I'll be in my room.

I haven't read Wonder Boys (yet) but I loved loved loved Kavalier and Clay. Mysteries of Pittsburgh was ok, but I didn't feel too strongly about it overall.

My mom got mad at me after she showed interest in the trailers for the movie and I loaned her the book. It was really sad and she was upset. Like, it's literally a book about Nazi Germany narrated by Death, so I don't know what she expected!

I'm also in the middle of Life after Life! Actually, I was listening to it on my way to and from work, but I got about halfway through and the CDs from the library are all scratched, so now I have to track down a paper copy because I really, really like it.

Combine HateSong and AV Undercover. Day one, interview a band about why they hate the song. Day two, they have to find something redeeming about it when they put their own twist on it while performing it for the undercover series..