
I will never forgive that movie for the shoe death.

Right? I thought this was going to be a cute movie about leprechauns! I know my little brother had nightmares about her after we watched that one.

It's amazing how such seemingly simple and innocent lines like that are so fucking creepy. Zodiac's on Netflix streaming finally! It's definitely getting a rewatch soon.

I had to wait three hundred years for a virgin to light a candle!

My favorite part of the interpretation, I think, is that Sherlock can be assholish or inconsiderate, but he actively tries not to be and to fix problems between him and others. You can completely understand why so many people are turned away from his personality while still understanding the deep relationships he

Yeah, I find it strange when people just have random information like that because of their relatives. My brother's a pharmacy technician but that doesn't mean I know shit about prescription drugs.

I guessed Britney Spears too. I was pretty flabbergasted that it was Taylor Swift. That's pretty incredible, really.

Dollhouse is my favorite Whedon show, though I have to admit I never really watched Angel.

"science and scientists are inherently evil, and that accepting the authority of government is superior to standing against."

The demons reminded me of the inferi in the cave scene in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.  Creeeeeepy.

Oh I expect a Critical Field Injury for one of them shortly, but I think they'll both live a while longer if only because it actually goes against expectations by this point.

I can handle a lot of stuff in films but eye related body horror is definitely the line for me.

Yeah, where's my Kings notification!

I would also accept secret agent twin brother of NYC cop.

When Frown leaned back on the raft after it saved him from falling out of the plane I started yelling on him.


The voiceover soliloquies weren't my favorite part either.  I also thought it was odd that Falstaff's asides on the battlefield ("The better part of valor is discretion" and all that) were addressed directly to the camera when to my memory nothing else in the play was.  It took me out of the moment.

I do; I will.


Sherlock's absence has not made my heart grow fonder, I'm sad to say.