
I honestly appreciated her talking about sex and pussies. I don’t hate it when male comics talk about sex, but having a woman do the same, from a distinctly feminine viewpoint, was kinda nice?

Yeah, I make a titty shelf to walk cum to the bathroom.

I haven’t seen the special yet but I will say this: lots of dudes HATE Amy. I recently asked one why he didn’t like her and he goes “because she looks like Miss Piggy and she’s ugly.” Super fresh take, huh? But I’m SURE he would judge a male comedian by the same standards since sexism isn’t a thing.

I don’t like her and her shtick is old and boring but if she annoys Trump supporters I can get behind that tbh

Yeah, I get that. But if I ever did some crazy shit like bring home a guy from a reality show and claim to love him after I’d been on 2 dates with the guy and he’s still seeing 3 other women... I don’t know that my parents could muster up any politeness or fake excitement for my new “relationship”, either.

I think this might be a cultural thing. I’m a perfectly capable adult, and my parents are still over-protective as fuck. And they always will be. It’s part of their culture, and it has caused me problems with some relationships... but it’s part of the deal.

Thank you for your invaluable input. Good to know there are people who still manage to feel superior to the first black lead on the Bachelor franchise because she isn’t the right type of attorney.

Girl, my family would refuse to appear on camera, lol! They would also tell Nick to stop mumbling his damn words and me to chill the fuck out, you’ve known him for 3 days. But yes, Vanessa’s family was totally over the top. In general I feel like all those families are creepily involved in who their kids decide to

raquel is corinne’s “nanny”.

Are you sure they weren’t talking about Raquel, Corrine’s nanny?

If you don’t think she’s a bitch, don’t call her a bitch. Mysogyny isn’t cool, even if you think you’re just being ~ironic.~ As long as real misogyny exists and affects women on a daily basis, it’s not funny.

This would be a perfectly good comment if you didn’t feel the need to casually throw around demeaning and derogatory terms. Did you really expect this to fly on Jezebel, of all sites? We’re kinda feminist around here, in case you haven’t heard. No need to call a woman a bitch just because you think she’s stupid, and

Hey, I totally agree with you but can you not use “bitch” the way you did? I thought we were done with misogynistic terms. Guess not. Please edit your comment. Thanks in advance.

Scorching hot take comin’ thru!!! Way to really stick it to the reality tv establishment! If only there were more brave bros out there to condescingly drone about the ills of reality tv, ignoring that what they’re presenting as an astute observation is really the prevailing public opinion on the subject. But no, that

Actually some dude calling any woman any kind of ‘whore’ on a feminist website is going to get flamed. Fuck outta here with that nonsense.

How is she a gold-digger? Especially when she’ll be the one being pursued? Are you talking about her prospective suitors?

My theory on announcing so early is that normally they have the suitors cast before they even announce the bachelorette (and same for for a bachelor season—i.e. many of the girls this season were cast with Luke in mind). With a black bachelorette they need to both cast a more diverse group than might normally apply

I mean, I wish more people would pose these questions (why didn’t you cast a person of the race the original character is) to the producers/directors. Of course it’s good to have the conversation and get the point out there, but it’s not really up to the actors. Obviously, SJ could have turned down the project, and

Alexis is gone now so nothing matters anyway.

Man, I remember growing up, all the asshole kids would demand apologies from me. Really traumatizing.