Well, that’s what they get for thinking they were white enough not be affected.
Well, that’s what they get for thinking they were white enough not be affected.
Fallon bends over forwards.
All hail Kellyanne Conway, goddess-queen of the trolls. Her one job is to ensure that words mean nothing, and she is fucking awesome at it.
Well, here’s how these conversations feel as a person of color. A white person reaches out to you sometimes - as the only POC that they know. “Hey, can you explain this one thing to me?” Like, I’m Mexican-American, so they might say, for example, “Hey, can you tell me why people think Speedy Gonzales was a negative…
I like to go with “Hey - that’s not okay.” Depending on the situation, I may add a hearty “WTF? That is not okay!”
Right now a lot of my in laws are saying things like “Give him a chance!” “We’ll pray for him. I don’t like what he’s said either but I hope in four years we can say he was a good president!” And I’m screaming internally. Today’s the first day I haven’t randomly burst into tears or punched a pillow. So I’m really…
Politely disagree with statements of fact, and refuse to laugh at “jokes”. Don’t go on the offensive and insist that they’re racist/sexist/bigoted, because that does nothing but turn them off of you. You probably won’t change anyone’s mind, but at least let it be known that you don’t appreciate that kind of talk in…
I believe right and wrong exists, being a racist and/or misogynist is WRONG. It makes you a BAD person. Racism KILLS people. Misogyny KILLS women. Bigotry KILLS. If you have any morals regarding the fair treatment of others, speak out against these two awful ideologies.
Yeah, I need to get better about this. To add to the awkwardness, it’s my Latino side of the family that tends to make the racist remarks, and then it feels weird to call out people who I’m more white than, but I should probably be better at being like, “Guys, I know you’re trying to make what you think are cool, un…
Yeah, I thought her response started out okay, but then it just devolved into basically, “I am who I am, so get over it.” It seemed like she didn’t really understand what the caller was objecting to, or at the very least, she didn’t address that at all.