
The visual is what did it. Can we comment on the 19 year old girl trying to party with a group grown men and calling them niggers when they kicker her out of the room? Yeah he’s a punk but another Becky thinks she can call a black man that word and everyone rushes to her defense? The reason I bring this up is that

Who wants to bet this guy will get another shot before Kap.

He’s gonna outlive trump and be the only president to go to the funeral isn’t he?

And Jimmy Carter outlives another one.  

*spoiler alert*

Pretty much.

How in the hell am I supposed to feel about this? Happy they got the right dude but sad that EJ Bradford is still dead or sad that another young life is now in the toilet for doing something that I’m sure he could have walked away from before it started? This whole thing is a damn tragedy. 

Wait a fucking minute. So who shot the kid? With the sheer numbers of cameras in public spaces these days I find the PDs ever changing story real fucking shady.

Beyoncè is as good an actor as Madonna...yeah, I said it...wut...

I think Bey is too invested in maintaining her image to let down her walls and really get into a roll like that.

Uhm..no she’s bad . Everything sounds the same, when she’s mad, sad, it’s all the same. Emoting isn’t her thing.  Sorry...

Panama...this is one hot(and wrong) take.

The sin is “The Mark of Cain.” In their mythology we’re all descendants of Cain and so we carry the mark of his sin for killing Abel. I think that’s the reason they also didn’t allow us to have souls until 1979. Or it might have to do with the fact that Utah was having trouble recruiting black ball players to their

lol. I wonder how she feels about that part in the Book of Mormon where they explain black skin is a punishment for some ancestral sin.

Yeah, Mia. I remember when I found out I was Black. Isn’t it something?

Mia was a unicorn: a black, non basketball player, in Utah that’s also a morman and a republican. You can only rock the boat so much under those circumstances.

WHY is your kind so angry? 

Many people don’t know that Blake Griffin is biracial as well:

Not a man but, Troian Belisario from Pretty Little Liars!!!

Also...Slash? Pete Wentz? Both have a black parent.