
I was actually shocked. Because of the unfamiliar facial hair I thought it was Robbie and was bored for three seconds until I freaked out. It explains why he’s been getting the Redemption Edit on BiP (the finest piece of television trash I have ever seen). I didn’t realize he was the “Why did you make love to me if

I’d do it. I’d totally do it. Sign me up for that train wreck. I find him weirdly sexy and he clearly has some kind of crazy charisma.

i’ll freely admit i didnt see any of that, but i’m assuming the headlines went something along the lines of:

I don’t think he was doubting her but the statement was not written clearly.

I’m not particularly attractive, but I “get away with” not wearing makeup by not giving a flying fuck.

I can’t get over how amazing this dress is. I WANT IT NOW

Oh gosh, sorry, I hope it didn’t come across like ‘The Toast did it first, you HACKS!’, I just thought people might like to read The Toast one as well because I enjoy Mallory Ortberg a lot.

huh, we did not know that existed when we assigned this to A Man; i don’t really read the toast. oh well, i like ours better anyway!

If you don’t know what it is, then how do you know it missed the mark?

right? like, curse this contract that obligates me to read every single one!!!!

it is very much not a joke and it is honestly rude of you to assume so

The woman grew up with him as a father figure.

Good. A message needs to be sent that this sort of intimidation is not something that should be tolerated. I hope Leslie Jones is feeling all the love being sent her way after this and knows that the vast majority of people have nothing but sympathy for her.

I think he is extremely unattractive but he totally cracks me up. I cannot explain what he talks about but he has acknowledged that he’s “a little different” and not everyone gets him. I loved how he handled Chad, who is a legit psycho.

We all must keep fighting to bend the arch of humanity towards somthing just.

There was an article on rawstory today about another athlete who got probation for raping 2 girls in highschool. I was heartened to see that a LOT of guys were pissed and thought he should be in prison. Honestly, it was a first. A welcome change from the usual victim blaming.

Netflix has actually created a pretty pretty large budget around this film for activism and education (someone I know is leading their organizing efforts) so while fatigue is understandable, there are those fighting this fight—beyond the cultural contribution of simply documenting this—and this film will be shown in

And this came up in my Facebook memories today. 4 years and it feels like zero progress. Is it any wonder we’re exhausted?