
No one takes a ground campaign in California either. Why? Because its fate, like Wyoming’s, is firmly decided. Why waste money in those states when Florida and Ohio are up for grabs?

A. Not bankrupt. People have been expecting bankruptcy for 30 years and so far nothing. Rhe drought is more likely to kill CA than its finances.

No, that was Nixon, who ACTUALLY broke the law, who was brought down by MEMBERS OF HIS OWN ADMINISTRATION.

I guess thats why Mitt Romney beat John Mccain in the 2012 election, right? And why Ted Cruz, the current GOP nominee, is slated to wax the floor with Hillary Clinton?

This is also not true. Currently it’s almost completely split now 33/33/33, and as immigration continues, the Republican numbers will continue to shrink.

Monica wasnt the first presidential mistress, Fox News gave the Tea Party its voice, and the media is the only reason Candidate Trump exists.

Probably doesn’t matter. Social media combined with personalization algorithms are fantastic at isolating you from views, facts, and events you don’t agree with while simultaneously tricking you into thinking you’re well exposed to a variety of voices.

Nope. NBC, CNN et. al. actually deliver real news that is unbiased (sometimes with a slight right tilt) whereas Fox News is just conservative talking points that actually leaves their viewers less educated on the news of the day.

As long as you avoid the WSJ opinion pages.

Sites like VOX, fivethirtyeight, PBS, and others are decent starting points for genuine information and insight.

Mother Jones is remarkably honest for a blatantly partisan news source. They were raising hell about Obama’s civil rights violations back when any criticism of him was considered “racist”.

I vote we return to the days when the media admitted their bias instead of pretending they're non-partisan. For most of our history, people read the local newspaper that reflected their party's views. It was out in the open, and none of this pretense.

None of those are my news sources. And Fox News is really not a news source.

That Facebook is popular does not correlate to Facebook being obligated to be unbiased in the information they provide.

Yeah, I really try to avoid breaking and daily news, which is really anything on the web or on TV. I read The Economist through the week - it’s one of the few publications that seems to be interested in thorough analysis and supporting data.

Except everyone doesn’t lean to the left and reality has a liberal bias.

That's the way to go. I'm very libertarian and the two sites I read the most are the Daily Caller & Salon. Sites I read the least are those that agree with me, like Reason. Too easy for everyone to insulate themselves in an ideological bubble. Gotta get out there.

Facebook isn’t really under an obligation to be unbiased though. If people think that the reality that facebook is the reality outside of it, that’s kind of their problem.

Two things:

You must be out of breath considering all the hoops you just jumped from and the strawmen you attacked to get here.