
Oh, I love the String Theory. I think that would help all of us. Normally, I only watch the episodes once, but when I re-watched last night's episode, I caught things I hadn't when I watched it initially.

Ha, ha, ha…yeah, kind of like how the free samples at Costco always taste much better than the family-size package you buy.

I don't think I really knew enough about Margaret to agree or disagree with her comment.

Maybe Margaret killed Scotty. Anything is possible. But, I still am leaning toward Martin.

But then maybe Noah's version of Cole raping Alison outside was accurate and Cole isn't the sweet, forgiving guy he is portrayed as most of the time. It will be so interesting to see how the writers piece everything together. Hopefully, it will all be revealed before it gets cancelled. There is nothing worse than

But, then it doesn't make sense that Noah would tell the detective how he nearly strangled Scotty.

And, then throw in a corrupt detective. It is very confusing. Heck, when they were talking about reporting Scotty to the cops, I was thinking, "Wait, isn't he dead…huh?" I still love the show, though!

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Yeah, he was awesome. Why do all of the interesting characters have such small parts? It's ironic as the two leads are such bores.

Finally someone mentions the daughter! In all of the blogs, nobody mentioned that it was a big reveal they end up together and with a daughter. I was half expecting the little girl to come out of the room and ask what all of the commotion was about. Or, maybe that would have been too over the top. Or, maybe she is

I think that is a good idea, considering how the audience was introduced to the kid — fake hanging scene in episode 1. He is also tied to the Lockhart farm and is very aware of everything. He is also super creepy and disturbed.

I had to watch the episode a second time to catch that part. After the tow truck driver leaves, the detective's admin tells him that "Steve" is on the phone for him. He picks up the phone and says, "Hi babe." While I didn't catch the whole $20K distribution - the tow truck guy couldn't take it, but the detective would

Thanks. I think I got the impression he died of cancer when they had the episode where Allison is in the hospital and she watches the little boy who does have cancer throw up in his mom's hands. I thought she was remembering her own experience with her son. Thanks for clearing that up for me. So sad. I hope they fill

Love your post. Cracked me up.

Very interesting, but don't you think the long kiss Max gave her in front of her family led Whitney to think this?

I am completely confused, because during the interrogation scenes, Allison has a child. So how much time has passed since the death of Scotty and the interrogations?